My roommate Liv is going to apply for here, eventually. She probably won't get in though, what with it being 1000 applications a month (a week?) now. That's must take a lot of work to go through. I kind of want to apply myself, but not right yet. I have a really good idea for a set. Well, I think it's good but I'm sure most people would find it disturbing.
So I'm at work this morning doing picklist (we go around and pull all the stuff people have put on hold) and there's this homeless guy walking around in the stacks, which is unusual, since usually they just sit on the other side and read magazines. And then Dave, one of the janitors walks by to go fix a light or something, and I can here some other homeless guy talking to him, and then Dave goes to fix whatever, and the other homeless guy (who I think was Wade, this crazy old guy who has a crush on me) is talking to the first homeless guy, and he's all like "Yeah, I have a friend here but she just ignores me," and he was totally doing it in this passive-aggressive way, because he knew I was standing on the other side of the stacks and that I could hear him, and I'm pretty sure it was Wade, in which case he was probably talking about me, and it's like, ok, I'm not your friend. You could fall down a hole and die for all I care; and I really fucking hate it when people project their little fantasies onto me. And it's like, ok, the guy came up to me like three times a while ago, and he'd be like, "It's really hot outside today," and I'd say something like, "Yes, it is; well, I'd better get back to work now." You have to be really fucking pathetic to think that just because someone answers your question if you say something to them first, that somehow that means that they like you and are going to go out with you. Fucking pathetic.
Anthony Moore and this other guy Derek are starting to bother Katii (an internet friend of mine) now. It's good though that at least she's in another city and they don't actually know who she is.
I had a party last week, well, sort of. No one fucking showed up hardly and it sucked ass. I used to have parties all the time and lots of people would show up. So now I'm worried that no one will show up on Halloween, since I don't really have a whole lot of people to invite and a lot of people have been like, "Well, I don't know, I was already invited to blah blah thing." Last year I had a huge party and it was awesome. And I haven't been invited to anything else either, and there's no way in hell I'm just going to go wander around outside because it's going to be totally insane. And then Liv's having a party tomorrow for her birthday (it was Wednesday), and we're both worried no one will show up for that either. Everyone on here is invited of course, if you want to come, but probably not since most of you can go out to bars and stuff. I wish I knew some more people to invite who would actually come. Eve from Neil's party was really cool. I saw her last night downtown, well, I think it was her. I wish she'd come. She's really hot. Not in like a "OMG SOOOOO HOTTT!!11" way, but in this weird way. It's weird.
I think I'm going to make BBQ chicken and mashed potatos tonight. I wish I could go to bars and clubs and stuff. Not really to drink even, but just to have somewhere to go, because pretty much the only shit I can go to right now is people's houses and the Union, since there aren't a lot of raves around here anymore, and you have to be under 18 to go to the Loft. I better go do something productive. I think I'm going to start writing all my journal entries in Dutch (with an English translation) to practice my Dutch, since I'm going to move there eventually. Some days, everything will just be really nice here, and it's like, "How could I ever leave here?" but a lot of times it's just like "People are stupid, backwards, judgemental, conservative shitheads, and I just hate America so much." Not that Europeans aren't like that, but it's not like here.
My roommate Liv is going to apply for here, eventually. She probably won't get in though, what with it being 1000 applications a month (a week?) now. That's must take a lot of work to go through. I kind of want to apply myself, but not right yet. I have a really good idea for a set. Well, I think it's good but I'm sure most people would find it disturbing.
So I'm at work this morning doing picklist (we go around and pull all the stuff people have put on hold) and there's this homeless guy walking around in the stacks, which is unusual, since usually they just sit on the other side and read magazines. And then Dave, one of the janitors walks by to go fix a light or something, and I can here some other homeless guy talking to him, and then Dave goes to fix whatever, and the other homeless guy (who I think was Wade, this crazy old guy who has a crush on me) is talking to the first homeless guy, and he's all like "Yeah, I have a friend here but she just ignores me," and he was totally doing it in this passive-aggressive way, because he knew I was standing on the other side of the stacks and that I could hear him, and I'm pretty sure it was Wade, in which case he was probably talking about me, and it's like, ok, I'm not your friend. You could fall down a hole and die for all I care; and I really fucking hate it when people project their little fantasies onto me. And it's like, ok, the guy came up to me like three times a while ago, and he'd be like, "It's really hot outside today," and I'd say something like, "Yes, it is; well, I'd better get back to work now." You have to be really fucking pathetic to think that just because someone answers your question if you say something to them first, that somehow that means that they like you and are going to go out with you. Fucking pathetic.
Anthony Moore and this other guy Derek are starting to bother Katii (an internet friend of mine) now. It's good though that at least she's in another city and they don't actually know who she is.
I had a party last week, well, sort of. No one fucking showed up hardly and it sucked ass. I used to have parties all the time and lots of people would show up. So now I'm worried that no one will show up on Halloween, since I don't really have a whole lot of people to invite and a lot of people have been like, "Well, I don't know, I was already invited to blah blah thing." Last year I had a huge party and it was awesome. And I haven't been invited to anything else either, and there's no way in hell I'm just going to go wander around outside because it's going to be totally insane. And then Liv's having a party tomorrow for her birthday (it was Wednesday), and we're both worried no one will show up for that either. Everyone on here is invited of course, if you want to come, but probably not since most of you can go out to bars and stuff. I wish I knew some more people to invite who would actually come. Eve from Neil's party was really cool. I saw her last night downtown, well, I think it was her. I wish she'd come. She's really hot. Not in like a "OMG SOOOOO HOTTT!!11" way, but in this weird way. It's weird.
I think I'm going to make BBQ chicken and mashed potatos tonight. I wish I could go to bars and clubs and stuff. Not really to drink even, but just to have somewhere to go, because pretty much the only shit I can go to right now is people's houses and the Union, since there aren't a lot of raves around here anymore, and you have to be under 18 to go to the Loft. I better go do something productive. I think I'm going to start writing all my journal entries in Dutch (with an English translation) to practice my Dutch, since I'm going to move there eventually. Some days, everything will just be really nice here, and it's like, "How could I ever leave here?" but a lot of times it's just like "People are stupid, backwards, judgemental, conservative shitheads, and I just hate America so much." Not that Europeans aren't like that, but it's not like here.
the homeless men in madison started to annoy me after a while. i worked at one of the state street coffee shops that they'd migrate over to after the libraries closed. one guy was very regular and if he'd buy a cup of coffee, i'd treat him to some food with my tips. he carried around a padlocked bag and would tell us it was a time machine he was building... i later found out it was filled with pictures of little gymnists. after that, he kind of creeped me out. and then he yelled at me for emptying the coffee urn after closing time without asking him if he wanted a free refill. ass... i'd been doing his pervy ass favors for the entire year and owed him nothing. it's funny because all the homeless people i've encountered in other parts of the world have been polite and gracious for the most part. in madison, it's usually students on tight budgets who give what they can... the change in our pockets is a huge hardship... and i don't believe i ever got a thank you or "bless you".
cant wait to hang out again, i had lots of fun at the party, i hope you did to. we'll get people to your parties!! its not hard. freyja is the best by the way!