So yesterday I woke up, and I decided to call in sick to work because then I could stay home and study for my midterms, but I ended up sleeping all day (from like 11 pm Tuesday night until 5:30 pm Wednesday afternoon, with some interruptions), which really sucked because then I also didn't go to my one class yesterday, and until then I hadn't missed any classes so far this semester, which is a big accomplishment for me. And it also sucked because I was going to study all day and then go to my dad's and work to make up for the hours I lost at the library, and then spend some time with Neil, but then I wasted the whole day sleeping. So then I did some studying for anthropology, and then I went to be at midnight, got up at five, did some more studying, and now I still need to study more for that, plus I need to study for my syntax midterm, and I need to do my Dutch homework for the last two days. My first class, phonology, is just a review, and she said she was going to make us all ask questions (that is basically our review; she already gave us a study guide), so I'm thinking I should just skip it and spend the time studying, but then, I don't want to get into the habit of missing lots of classes like I did the last two semesters. And today just sucks anyway because I have to go to my dad's, and then I really want to spend some time with Neil, but I have to work at 8:15 tomorrow and I really don't want to be super tired all day at work, but Neil has to work at 6 am on Saturday, so if we don't do anything tonight, we won't see each other until Saturday, and that would really suck to go almost a week without seeing him (the last time I saw him was on Sunday). I think I'll probably just skip my first class and study. These midterms are like 25% or more of my grade. And then somehow this week I'm going to have to work a ton at my dad's so that I can make up the hours I missed at the library. And I was supposed to go check on my mom's birds yesterday but I didn't, and now I really want to go out there and check on them even though I need to study because I haven't been out there since Sunday,even though I am going out there this afternoon. I think I might just catch a bus out there now and then head down to the library until it's time for my test. Dammit, I'm really behind in everything now.

and you still had time to give me b-day wishes...
thank you!!