Sometimes I just really hate my mind. I think things I don't want to think about, or things that bother me, or worry about things, or get too influenced by some things and then that makes the rest of my life suck. Sometimes thoughts just keep running through my head and I can't stop thinking them even if I want to. Sometimes I just get really sick of thinking about big picture and philosophical shit and I just want to live my live and not always be worrying about how people see things.
And then I was reading some Feng Shui thing today and those always piss me off because they're like "masculine is this and feminine is that" and I really, really hate gender role stuff. I know there are differences between boys and girls, but people abuse scientific stuff so much and a lot of times skew it so they can justify their own opinions or just see what they want to, and I really hate that shit that's like "boys are supposed to be this way and girls are supposed to be this way." I really do.
My grandma's doing a bit better.
And in some things I just have really different opinions about things from most people:
And being the minority can seem so cool except when you are and it's in one of those subjects where everyone looks at you treats you like a fucking pariah if you don't agree with them. Like my opinion on some things it taboo.
I should be tired right now because I had a long day, but I'm not, and I have to get up tomorrow, and I don't fee like doing chores although I know I need to do them.
And then I was reading some Feng Shui thing today and those always piss me off because they're like "masculine is this and feminine is that" and I really, really hate gender role stuff. I know there are differences between boys and girls, but people abuse scientific stuff so much and a lot of times skew it so they can justify their own opinions or just see what they want to, and I really hate that shit that's like "boys are supposed to be this way and girls are supposed to be this way." I really do.
My grandma's doing a bit better.
And in some things I just have really different opinions about things from most people:
And being the minority can seem so cool except when you are and it's in one of those subjects where everyone looks at you treats you like a fucking pariah if you don't agree with them. Like my opinion on some things it taboo.
I should be tired right now because I had a long day, but I'm not, and I have to get up tomorrow, and I don't fee like doing chores although I know I need to do them.
happy birthday

Thank you all for the happy birthday wishes