God bless my roommate who I don't live with yet. She might be able to get me drugs
and I can never get anything besides pot so that makes me really happy. The shrooms I gave Nate money for I should be getting by the end of the month. And then I have to see when Melanie can do them and if she still wants to. And I should call Vash this week and get some booze and call Tony this week and get some pot. Fuck, if I could get booze, and pot, and a bunch of pills and shit, and my shrooms, I would be so happy. I'd be jumping and down screaming, "HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!" and I would totally share my drugs unlike CAL who only gets stuff for himself now and won't even get stuff to sell, because all I want to do is buy shit and not mooch off of people like a lot of the people I know.

You can email one of the hot chicks lori@tonezone.com and her cell phone number is 713.806.0142
Thank you so much!!!!!!
ps. i emailed you also but my brain is mush and i said tomorrow but its really the day after tomorrow. i love your icon
[Edited on Jun 28, 2004 3:53PM]