You know you have problems when you start thinking about killing internet people you don't like.
Sitting around here waiting for everyone to show up. I should probably clean up the place but I really don't care. The last few weeks have sucked, and I have a feeling tonight is going to suck, I personally don't feel being at a party and the only real reason other than politeness that I don't call and cancel is because I'm hoping to score some drugs tonight. Corrie just called me to come to their party. Whiteboy lives with them now, like they all have an apartment together. I really would rather be there, but like I said, people are coming over and I don't want them to get all the way here and then have there be some sign on the door like "No party tonight, sorry." I guess if things really suck I can call Whiteboy back and maybe me and Liv or Nate&Kiki can head over there for a while. I guess part of the reason I'm gravitating towards there is because I'm angry with Cal right now, and I'm really sick of the whole Nate, Vash, and Cal trio of guys being loud and talking in this language of obscure references that no one else fucking understands, and Whiteboy, Corrie, and Brandon all hate Vash and Val. I need a change of pace. I need to go to someone else's parties instead of always having everyone here, and or at least get some new or more people over here. That's the other problem. Cal doesn't like Quincy, and while I don't want it to be like before when Quincy would bring her 1000 shady friends to mooch off me, I like Quincy. She's entertaining, and I could probably get some drugs from her. But Cal doesn't like her so I can't invite her.
I'm sick of just having vodka, too. Right now I have three beers, a liter of apple pucker, and vodka. I am so sick of vodka. I just want some candy stuff and maybe some kahlua or everclear. What I really want to do right now is just sit here and read Harry Potter books or The Tao of Pooh and just eat food and go to bed early. And since I'm not in a party mood, I'm going to have a horrible time tonight, and my negative energy will affect the party as a whole. And I feel bad turning down Corrie's invitation just to sit here with people I don't want to see when I know no one will have a good time anyway, all in the name of politeness.
Fuck, Neil isn't even going to be here tonight, so I can't even look forward to that. At least if I can get the shrooms I can talk to Melanie about when we're going to do them. She better not fucking back out either, because no else I want to do them with wants to or can pay me for their half. I'm way low on money right now and I am not in a generous mood at all.
Sitting around here waiting for everyone to show up. I should probably clean up the place but I really don't care. The last few weeks have sucked, and I have a feeling tonight is going to suck, I personally don't feel being at a party and the only real reason other than politeness that I don't call and cancel is because I'm hoping to score some drugs tonight. Corrie just called me to come to their party. Whiteboy lives with them now, like they all have an apartment together. I really would rather be there, but like I said, people are coming over and I don't want them to get all the way here and then have there be some sign on the door like "No party tonight, sorry." I guess if things really suck I can call Whiteboy back and maybe me and Liv or Nate&Kiki can head over there for a while. I guess part of the reason I'm gravitating towards there is because I'm angry with Cal right now, and I'm really sick of the whole Nate, Vash, and Cal trio of guys being loud and talking in this language of obscure references that no one else fucking understands, and Whiteboy, Corrie, and Brandon all hate Vash and Val. I need a change of pace. I need to go to someone else's parties instead of always having everyone here, and or at least get some new or more people over here. That's the other problem. Cal doesn't like Quincy, and while I don't want it to be like before when Quincy would bring her 1000 shady friends to mooch off me, I like Quincy. She's entertaining, and I could probably get some drugs from her. But Cal doesn't like her so I can't invite her.
I'm sick of just having vodka, too. Right now I have three beers, a liter of apple pucker, and vodka. I am so sick of vodka. I just want some candy stuff and maybe some kahlua or everclear. What I really want to do right now is just sit here and read Harry Potter books or The Tao of Pooh and just eat food and go to bed early. And since I'm not in a party mood, I'm going to have a horrible time tonight, and my negative energy will affect the party as a whole. And I feel bad turning down Corrie's invitation just to sit here with people I don't want to see when I know no one will have a good time anyway, all in the name of politeness.
Fuck, Neil isn't even going to be here tonight, so I can't even look forward to that. At least if I can get the shrooms I can talk to Melanie about when we're going to do them. She better not fucking back out either, because no else I want to do them with wants to or can pay me for their half. I'm way low on money right now and I am not in a generous mood at all.