Annoy your friends with adorable British slang!
I am waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too into this. And there are +500 of the slash I like on livejournal, and that's just the ones I like, which is a pretty small amount. I almost never read anything though, which is too bad. I really should read the books and see the movies because there are a bunch of times when I don't know who the hell they're talking about. Also, it's comforting to know that I am not the only fancier of certain people/characters, and that there are entire communities dedicated to said character, so now I feel less like a total freak and pervy sick person. I personally find the deadjournal slash better though.
Don't you hate when you discovery a new deragatory term? I just did today and it especially bothers me because it applies to me. Sucks to shitty words.
Rar, way too into slash. Slash is awesome though. I check out the first book from work a couple days ago and I'm reading it. I didn't realize that most of the slash I read is written in the same style of writing. It's cool. I love the books. Every word. I just want to devour them all and have them inside of me. I want to be the books; they're just so awesome. It makes me hate my life. In a way I don't want read the books because once I read them, they'll never be new again. But then I do want to read them, and all the slash will make more sense although I pray I never become a slash-writing, slash-community making, pervy drawings, clothes, tattoos, spock-ears and cons fangirl type freak. I can barely admit to myself that I even like this stuff.
I am waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too into this. And there are +500 of the slash I like on livejournal, and that's just the ones I like, which is a pretty small amount. I almost never read anything though, which is too bad. I really should read the books and see the movies because there are a bunch of times when I don't know who the hell they're talking about. Also, it's comforting to know that I am not the only fancier of certain people/characters, and that there are entire communities dedicated to said character, so now I feel less like a total freak and pervy sick person. I personally find the deadjournal slash better though.
Don't you hate when you discovery a new deragatory term? I just did today and it especially bothers me because it applies to me. Sucks to shitty words.
Rar, way too into slash. Slash is awesome though. I check out the first book from work a couple days ago and I'm reading it. I didn't realize that most of the slash I read is written in the same style of writing. It's cool. I love the books. Every word. I just want to devour them all and have them inside of me. I want to be the books; they're just so awesome. It makes me hate my life. In a way I don't want read the books because once I read them, they'll never be new again. But then I do want to read them, and all the slash will make more sense although I pray I never become a slash-writing, slash-community making, pervy drawings, clothes, tattoos, spock-ears and cons fangirl type freak. I can barely admit to myself that I even like this stuff.