I admit, I have an... unusual?... work ethic/mentality than many I work/have worked with and people I know -I far prefer working at least part of a day than spending 3 or more days stuck at home. -while my 'social structure' is largely work-only, 95% of convo is work related...
...I'll probably never understand the text/call thing at work, if I'm at work and it's not an emergency, it'll likely piss me off, I'm at work TO work -work 'breaks' largely annoy me & if I can I'll work through them, hells, if I could clock in & out at my desk, I'd prefer it...
...of course, I use up the vaca time offered before it expires, I hadn't in past employment & was largely screwed with time lost I had earned, BUT I prefer to have something to do, a 'stay-cation' will see me gone absolutely mental if there's nowhere to go/nothing new to see...
...weirdly, I prefer long(er) work hours & will work 9-10hr shifts sans aforementioned 'break,' probably due to my younger years of hotel & mgmt where hours tended to be 10-12 & constantly busy - while, yes, I kinda burnt out on 60+hr weeks, 45-50 I can deal with sans issue...