Since my last post we've had an early winter storm & below average temps... we were then hit with slightly above average temp which melted the snow...
and now we're back to 'normal temps' - pain-level cold, dead trees, dry-dead grass... "meh," at best
the past couple weeks my co-worker with cancer passed & a relative passed
then, via a phone call, found out my godmother has cancer, as well as other relatives...
have a few physical issues I'm dealing with as well, but, again, "meh," it is what it is
it's not as though I'm about to go to a doctor to check things out - as if I could afford such a thing *yeesh*
ANYways, even though it's been awhile not a lot to post about, it's wintertide & state's largely closed down again & what the hell is with this year ?!?
a'yep, that's about it, sorries - until next post, Lovelies & Gentlefolk
twittage ::
10/20 : And The Word Of The Day Is "tooearlyforthisshit," Can YOU Say "tooearlyforthisshit?" ...I Knew You Could !
( already over ankle deep >:( )
10/23 : another great convo with fathre last night :) ... ended up talking about schooling ( oslo & warroad & differences between ) as well as WWII & Pearl Harbor and a variety of other things in-between :)
10/24 : "voter supression was still real in 17th centry, California would be sevral days to Washington, blacks wernt people, and there electrals didnt even get a count!"
certain every elementary school teacher they had had simultaneous heart attacks - is there a class they didn't fail?
10/29 : 1st it takes & cooks the bacon to a delightful level of crispness just short of burnt, then it eats the bacon in a respectful, honourable, & worshipful manner befitting that of bacon, just short of devourment, repeat as necessary until fulfillment, other foods may also be eaten
10/30 : Ah, Hallowe'en, All Hallows' Eve, Samhain 2020... w/ a full moon - a blue moon! - and an extra hour of witching hour revelry ...in an extraordinarily weird year which already gave us, locally & nationally "devil's night"-like "activities" ( arson, looting, destruction ) - Oi !
11/1 : apparently through the local night there were some garage thefts, a shooting, & a couple fires set - but, hilariously & mostly, there were many, many "stolen candy & bowls"... which were then corrected with 'neighbour found it, it was blown by the wind' - ah, importance levels!
11/3 : When local & neighbourhood businesses are pre-emptively boarding up "in case of a republican win," it's a sad sign of where the local problems are likely stemming from ??
11/3 II : yes, I've been voting in state & federal elections since '92 - this is the first year I voted early - weirdest experience was '96 when my 'home' was a chevy corsica... took some convincing to be able to utilize my PO box as a physical location in order to vote, but it ended good
11/17 : it's (still) saddening & disappointing knowing people that de/un-friended me when I didn't support obama - and again when I didn't support hillary... worse more recently as I support PD & upholding the law -- people will always have differing opinions, it's what makes us people
...there's a reason why politics is one of the "Big 2" inappropriate things to bring up in friendly & social conversation, along with religion - things things tend to divide, particularly in a time of political extremism, as we've unquestionably been in... let's return civility!
11/22 : to the person next door to the laundry room where the delightful bacon & garlic smells are coming from - I <3 YOU ( and can I have some?) ! ...but the neighbour next door to me making the hallway reek of hotdogs can fuck off right now *gags* :(
11/27 : Law(s) we need to see, on local, state, & federal level :
Protest organizers are to be held criminally & financially responsible for all criminal activity & financial loss attributed to that occurs during, in relation to, and/or immediately following their protests, not limited to vandalism, property damage, theft, rape, & assault. This shall remain true until such time that ALL parties directly responsible are held FULLY accountable for said criminal activities & financial losses.
It is the protest organizers responsibility to conduct themselves & those they've organized & gathered both legally & respectfully. The right to free speech in no way disregards the law nor allows for freedom in criminal actions in relation to.
11/27 II : What if you're in some foreign land like Ireland or Idaho & a stranger in a bowler hat walks up & says "draw!" Are you gonna draw some stick figure or midget in a cowboy hat? NO - they're gonna expect a potato... and, *I*, sir, can draw a potato !
11/28 : awoke this morning entirely mentally convinced it was already sunday morning & that I had a ton of things to do & people I was late in meeting - full mental rush of energy ( accompanied by "fuck, fuck, fuck..." ) ... *whew* thankfully(?) none of it was true, just lazy saturday
watched recently :
via rental/streaming:
Lucifer (5th Season)
Freaks (2018)
Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina (3rd Season)
Daybreak (1st Season)
Glee (3rd Season)
Lovecraft County (1st Season)
Helstrom (1st Season)
The Final Girls
Dune (1984)
Tremors: Shrieker Island
Fantasy Island (2020)
The Mandalorian (2nd Season)
Beyond White Space
Under The Skin
The Hills Have Eyes II (2007)
Amityville: It's About Time
Elvira: Mistress Of The Dark
The Ritual (2017)
Locke & Key (1st Season)
The Manchurian Candidate (2004)
Muppets Now (1st Season)
Truth Seekers (1st Season)
Shameless (1st & 2nd Season)
Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1st Season)
Rick And Morty (1st Season)
The New Mutants
Penny Dreadful (1st Season)
Saved By The Bell, Reboot (1st Season)
The Barn
Leprechaun 3
Leprechaun 4: In Space
A Nightmare On Elm Street
The Cabin In The Woods
H.P. Lovecraft's Color Out Of Space
Silent Hill
Stake Land
Stake Land II: The Stakelander
The Howling
John Carpenter's The Fog
Now You See Me
Now You See Me 2
The Shallows
Jumanji: The Next Level
Lights Out
Don't Breathe
Puppet Master 5: The Final Chapter
Lexx (2nd & 3rd Season)
-thom Wolfox sR Rhose, AK/GOT (OOP)
"Keep Living & Loving Life!"
"America needs creation not destruction, cooperation not contempt, security not anarchy, healing not hatred, justice not chaos."
President Donald Trump * June 1st, 2020