so I've already given it a (temporary?) name :)
“We-SoWe” ( West-SouthWest ) Roadtrip Possibilities ::
NOTE : these are merely possibilities, not a confirmed battle plan or definite route :)
Begin first full day at Wall, SD – make way to Devils Tower en route to Cody, WY ( Buffalo Bill Center & Yellowstone ) – make way to Utah & “The Mighty 5” ( including Arches ) – [possibly make way to Winslow & Meteor Crater]
‘course, it all depends on how long I stay in each area ( SD, WY, UT, [AZ] ), as I’d still have to make my way back before the We-SoWe Roadtrip ‘endeth’
And there’s SO much to see in each area that I’ve yet to see ( I saw quite a bit in SD a few years back, but not everything ! )
… 10 full days can fly by on the road & seeing sights ( I remember 7 full days feeling like I’d barely traveled ! )

twittage ::
5/17 : why, why, why did I even watch part of that Sanders interview/opinion piece this morning ? ... already called out twice for being incorrect on something being illegal, segued into returning 'N0bamacare,' & at one point said "citizens & immigrants alike" ( meaning illegals :( )
5/17 II : a friend tried to compare my food allergies to their veganism - sorry, there IS no comparison...
yours is personal choice, mine ranges from minor to severely ill if I eat it
you get PO'd when people don't offer you vegan options, I ask people not to go out of their way for me
5/18 : Instead of going East-Northeast ( Great Lakes/ON ) this upcoming Roadtrip, I'll be heading opposite : West-Southwest ( SD, WY, maybe as far as AZ/NV? )
With 11days from rental pick-up to last full day, lots of possibilities !
Suggestions always welcomed ( but NO big cities! )
5/21 : 1st time I've been disappointed w/ the local grocery delivery service -e'mail stated their delivery service was going again, so ordered direct - scheduled delivery 4-5... just NOW got a message it'll be delivered shortly... by the service I'd been using in the interim :( *sighs*
[cont:] *demn* well... they didn't quite fill the order, either, and made some substitutions ( even though I had it noted no substitutions :( ) ...not the delivery person's fault, but the store *sighs* - guess it's back to the interim delivery service for awhile... they've rocked !
5/23 : many churches are doing nothing more than proving they act as for-profit businesses, implying they can't "look after the hearts & souls" of others without their tax-free building & the tithes/money of their parishioners :( there is no "need to be open" if they truly care...
Recent Random Playlist (albums) ::
Megadeth - [multiple albums]
watched recently :
via rental/streaming:
Star Trek: Discovery (2nd Season)
The Night Before (1988)
The X-Files (2nd Season)
Father Of The Year
The Last Picture Show
Charlie's Angels (2019)
The Flash (5th & 6th Season)
My Hero Academia (Series)
Itsy Bitsy
Stargirl (1st Season)
The Librarians (3rd Season)
The Perks Of Being A Wallflower
Mega Shark Versus Crocosaurus
Rob Zombie's 3 From Hell
The New Kids
Charles Band's Puppet Master
Charles Band's Puppet Master II
The Road Warrior
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
-thom Wolfox sR Rhose, AK/GOT (OOP)
"Keep Living & Loving Life!"