When given the choice between doing the right, let alone legal thing, most people will do the opposite - often purposefully, if not ignorantly.
The purposeful ignorant are out in droves - and either don't understand or don't care how it will affect others :(
I'd make a 'case in point,' but all you really have to do is watch the news or read valid media and it's glaringly obvious. *sighs*
And this is worldwide, people !
And - sadly - locally as well :(
Including within the apartment complex I live in! - and as recently as this bleedin' weekend *deep sigh*
People have taken this unfortunate happening & turned it into a 'party opportunity' & 'family get-togethers'
*yeesh* - fucknuts & jackholes, the lot of 'em ! >:(
disrespectful pieces of shit, to say the least about 'em
Aye, I'm personally amongst the 'essential' when it comes to working, albiet with limited hours due to how this is affecting business nationwide & worldwide
If I could afford to - coupled with something to do other than re-clean the nest again - I'd do anything I could while at home...
but I am not in a position to, my work requires me to be on premesis ( which, thankfully, is only a 10min walk at the most )
not everyone is liking the shift in hours at work - everyone now has the same schedule, no OT, no working late or coming in early
*smirks* ... all I can say on that is, yes, it's kinda boring waiting an extra hour & a half to go to work BUT I'm not bitching
I could be temporarily unemployed - as so many hard workers are, until this finally reaches its end
Nonetheless, Most Humans Are Idiots
even a moment ago I had to yell - AGAIN! - at a gaggle of teens gathered right. outside. my. fucking. door. >:(
why ?? "because [their] parents told them to play in the hallway"
yeah, NO - that's NOT how this works ... and I told them straight out to Each. Go. To. Their. Own. Apartment.
AND if their parents have a problem with it, to contact the complex management since it is legal grounds for eviction
( they gave out letters just two weeks ago - AGAIN - reminding people NOT to be in the hallways or allow their kids to play or hang out in the hallways )
ANYways... enjoy this Mild Case Of The Apocalypse, as much as you're able - if you can, Stay. At. Home.
Don't. Gather.
Be. Safe. AND... Be. Smart.
For fuck's sake, already... *sighs*
And on a side note - in temporary memory of travelling ;) :
a couple o'these I counted, even if I never set foot outside of the vehicle & just drove through part of - & I've only been to one city in California ( San Francisco )
( tennessee, for instance, I literally "clipped" through, one moment saw a 'Welcome to Tennessee' sign & after a couple of crazy turns on the road, I was out again )
( idaho & montana were drive-throughs w/out leaving the vehicle - montana a long as hell one *laughs* )

Create Your Own Visited States Map
a shitload o'twits ::
2/28 : "Why does it matter if citizenship is on the census, 'undocumented residents' are citizens, too" ... ?!? 1) no, they're not, by law, & 2) a state's gov't representation in Congress (House Of Representatives, specifically) is based on CITIZEN population derived from the census
2/29 [response] : disenfranchisement is currently state-by-state - which I mostly agree with - some states allow, some states don't
my personal opinion regards solely felony disenfranchisement, whose effective poor judgement towards existing law(s) already shows their opinion towards civil rights & thus their right to vote should be restricted accordingly until re-proven and/or length of time passes post-incarceration
particularly in the current environment where I see 'anti-law' groups locally all-too often (almost begging for my signature/agreement) & the push for felons to vote is an obvious political incentive to skew votes towards those against existing laws and/or those who support the law
those currently incarcerated, well ... the likelihood that you're there for an actual law-breaking offense is high, so I see no reason until post-incarceration for them to vote for similar reasons - jail is, or at least should be, a non-societal place and deterrent for further criminal activity... voting would maintain a connection when they should be focused on self & self-improvement/change
3/10 : actually read someone asking why there isn't a mention of an Iron Man or Captain America film in Marvel's upcoming phases 4 & 5 *sighs saddened* - can only guess they haven't seen all of the films in the series up to this point thusfar :(
3/10 II : if you're going to tell a story about me - especially to someone who knows me - at least make it interesting... AND believable! for example: telling someone who's known me for years & relatively well that we "used to get high & steal shit" is a definite red-flag of bullshit :)
3/19 : called fathre - had a GREAT conversation... he's doing so, SO much better - even if he is 'trapped' in the sunset home currently, he's got his own room... and a lot of friends & friendly faces, apparently, since he kept saying 'hi' to lots of residents & staff during the call :)
3/21 : so... yes, I was craving so, yes, I DID have cheese post-work yesterday, with accompanying "dairy-drunk" ( or whatever you want to call it ) - so... yes, I woke up feeling like hell, BUT 9hrs+ later the "dairy-hangover" is finally receding - and, no, I don't do this often *Oi!*
3/22 : the complex actually had to remind people that during this 'unprecedented outbreak,' you can & will be evicted for lease breakage, including but not limited to smoking within the complex, drug use, & theft - and that renters are responsible for their visitors & guests activities
3/22 II : *yeesh* & wtf ?!? all washing machines in the complex are out of order "until further notice" - looks like they're full of black ink !! the 7 hells is wrong with people, seriously ?!? >:(
3/23 : feels like far longer, but it's only been 11yrs since mothre's passing ... on a good note, today's high will reach springtime low temps, so nice weather finally coming soon... maybe...
3/26 : had a short call w/ fathre - he's largely doing ok, but having some issues since they took out the catheter :( - goin' a little stir-crazy being in "lockdown," certainly, and the pain/pressure from post-catheter issues isn't helping :( poor guy
3/27 : due to the obvious, things are fairly quiet-crazy ... shifted things so I won't have my girls 'til everything settles ( to prevent any possible, etc ), & even though temps are getting semi-better, there'd be nowhere to go anyways *sad laugh* - just gotta keep myself sane somehow
3/29 : a neighbour I'd never met before is PO'd at me because I won't 'share [my] cable password' - I assumed they meant my wi-fi, which I said no way I'm sharing my wi-fi password, but they actually meant cable... and don't/won't believe that I've never had cable ( seriously, wth?!? )
...on the flip side of the coin, they fixed the washers sometime in the past 24hrs, so I'm able to do laundry! ( just as I was almost out of workclothes - good timing! ) ... apparently the word hasn't gotten out yet, since I've been the only person doing laundry the entire day
3/29 II : yes, saw the idiot neighbour again as I finished laundry - still PO'd at me - because his "family is driving him crazy" ... and has family from friggin' upstate that joined him now, too... good gods, does NO one seem to get what "stay in one place" means - this shit'll never end
Recent Random Playlist (albums) ::
The Ramones - Acid Eaters
Butcher Babies - [multiple albums]
Joan Jett & The Blackhearts - [multiple albums]
watched recently :
via rental/streaming:
Doctor Who (latest)
Gravity Falls (1st Season)
Lost Girl (2nd Season)
The Magicians (5th Season)
Charlie's Angels (2019)
Jumanji: The Next Level
Avenue 5 (1st Season)
Disney's Frozen II
Fullmetal Alchemist (2017)
Pandora's Box (1929)
The Flash (5th Season)
Star Wars (IX): The Rise Of Skywalker
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw
Birds Of Prey And The Fantabulous Emancipation Of One Harley Quinn
Everything's Gonna Be Okay (1st Season)
$ (aka Dollars)
Supernatural (12th Season)
Lazer Team
Scream 2
Scream 3
Knives Out
Ready Or Not
Leprechaun 2
H.P. Lovecraft's Color Out Of Space
The Librarians (1st & 2nd Season)
Thor: The Dark World
The Twilight Zone (2nd Season)
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part I
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part II
Blood Fest
Stanley Kubrick's Stephen King's The Shining
-thom Wolfox sR Rhose, AK/GOT (OOP)
"Keep Living & Loving Life!"