Weather's lows finally rose enough above pain-level where I got to enjoy the day outside yesterday :)
I hit up Arbor Lakes, wandered a bit, then hit the theatre & checked out :
Joker - brilliant ! an understandably violent & dramatic character study of a Joker many of us have been waiting for
Zombieland: Double Tap - hilariously perfect continuation of the original, albiet less young-teen-friendly ... and far more deaths :)
otherwise the past couple weeks have been pretty... what-it-is...
we've got 6 mths of pain-temp & worse weather to be expected - work is busy, which is always good, & I'm still the ever-boring individual that I've always been *laughs*
2) 2020 Revisited
IF I get approved for next yr's 2-week Great Lakes Roadtrip ( definitely thinking June 2020 :) )...
figured might as well stretch out the trip a bit & get the full Great Lakes from tip-to-tip experience :D
so, on mental workbreaks, did a bit of research & changed up the ideas, slightly - make it 1/2 & 1/2 Canada & US... sorta ?
( it's a Roadtrip, so I can change on a whim as much as I desire - as long as I make it back home in the end ! )
Roadtrip Idea Breakdown ::
[Home] Minnesota
-7.5 hrs via Grand Rapids to
[Thunder Bay] Ontario
-over Lake Superior, ~7 hrs to
[Batchawana Bay] Ontario - mayhaps even nearby [Saulte Ste. Marie] Ontario
-over Lake Huron, 8.5 hrs to
[Niagara Falls] Ontario ... take in Tesla's statue as well as the Falls & other sights !
** mayhaps into nearby [Toronto] Ontario the next day ? though I did hear parking can suck there *shrugs* **
-over Lake Ontario, ~4 hrs to
[Kingston] Ontario - where St Lawrence meets the Great Lakes :)
-south into US, follow Lakes Ontario & Erie southside through New York & Pennsylvania, 8.5 hrs to
[Lakeside Marblehead] Ohio
-5.5 hrs to
[Mackinaw City] Michigan - mid-Lakes Michigan & Huron, take in [Mackinaw Island] in Huron while I'm there ?
-along Lake Michigan, 5 hrs to
[Sturgeon Bay] Wisconsin
-5 hrs to
[Home] Minnesota
figure with 8-9 idea-stops for a 14day trip if I should decide to stay in a locale for another day, I could do so... with a smile :)

ANYways... I'm gonna go yell at the neighbour kids in the building... again... that appear to "not get" that playing in the hallways is NOT acceptable !
twittage ::
9/29 : my eldest got her biomed project idea for next (semester? whatever that's called) approved - very proud, she'd put a lot of thought this weekend into getting her idea & base constants down :) ( thought her brain was going to explode *laughs* )
10/3 : I traded the vest for leather jacket this am w/ the grim realization that this brutal "highs-in-low-50s" is just the start of even worse to come ... & at least 6 more mths of this shiite *sighs*
10/6 : *demn* on the 'home' pair of my two pairs of glasses, one of the nosepads completely broke off (shredded nose finding out) - I realize they're old, but *sighs*, down to one pair until I can (someday) afford to go for new glasses again... these things better last... or I'm f'd :(
10/11 : poor delivery guy - he's had to apologize to all of his stops... when he came in today to start deliveries, staff hadn't even started shopping for the orders yet ( I was only his 2nd stop - at 7:30! ) :( not cool a'tall for the guy who's just tryin' t'do his job
10/11 II : I'm back to Sat mornings instead of Fri eve weekend starts with my girls - ex changed work schedules again... was nice having the extra hours for awhile there, but I completely understand... I'm luckier than many fathers are in that respect & have nothing to complain about !
10/12 : the day's high is nearly 10 degrees colder than the prior day's low, the wind sounds like it's trying to beat it's way through the walls ... a'yep, I hate this season *shivers* :(
10/15 : yes, I too was awoken by the storm just after 2a... but was that really a cue for a neighbour to start slowly vacuuming their apartment ?!?
10/19 : thinkin' o'headin' into Arbor Lakes, catch a couple flicks, & enjoy what is probably the last decent & pain-temp-free day for the next 6mths - Joker & Zombieland: Double Tap sound good ... plus I can hit Noodles & Co or even Olive Garden for lunch - :D <3
watched recently :
via rental/streaming:
Supernatural (11th Season)
iCarly (Final Season)
Titans (2nd Season)
King Of The Hill (1st Season)
Greek (1st Season)
The Sand
The Flash (5th Season)
Supergirl (3rd & 4th Season)
Elseworlds (Flash/Arrow/Supergirl)
Legends Of Tomorrow (3rd Season)
Dead Heat
Rim Of The World
Wynonna Earp (3rd Season)
Knights Of Badassdom
The Return Of Count Yorga
The Core
Rocky II
Rocky III
Rocky IV
Rocky V
Rocky Balboa
Hellarious + "A Very Important Film"
Wilder Napalm
We're The Millers
Idle Hands
Big Trouble In Little China
Detective Pikachu
Drop Dead Gorgeous
via theatre:
Joker @ Arbor Lakes
Zombieland: Double Tap @ Arbor Lakes
-thom Wolfox sR Rhose, AK/GOT (OOP)
unusualist - I have yet to find a religion and/or spirituality that fits my own personal beliefs... other than, of course, the fact I am a (fallen) god.
( y'just now figured out that I'm basically a non-practicing hedonist? "if it feels good, do it, if it feels bad, you're doing it wrong" )
( "I believe in the proven power of willpower and the truth we are the gods we created. No one being created this universe and its wonders." )
( "the words of wisdom I follow will be the words I've written myself based on the life and experiences that I have Lived, Enjoyed, & Survived" )
( "may the platelets of justice travel the bloodstream of villainy, clog its arteries with honourable vengeance, and induce a coronary of truth" )
( "we are all inmates in the same asylum, some of us are just better at bribing the guards" )
( "In a previous life I was the engine block to a '56 chevy, I lost my heart to a Volkswagen Bus... er, wait - or was that a '57?" )
( "Godfuck Me, Jesus!" )
"Lately, we've been playing music by this chap named Bieber, gosh, you should hear the screams"
"Just fear me, love me, do as I say, and I will be your slave..."
"Oh, man. I'm sensing something very canadian about this place..."
"It's all true, god's an astronaut, Oz is over the rainbow, and Midian is where the monsters live..."
Jax : "yay for you, do you want a cookie or a bozo button?"