no, this post isn't about scents - though I do find it amusing that my spawnlings continually tell me I "smell like a dad" ( it's yet to be determined whether this is 'good' or 'bad' )
this - of course! - from spawnlings who I have to remind to use deoderant *sighs*
scent-wise my go-to's range from lavender & roses to vinegar, leather, & fresh asphalt :)
no, this post is about names - which, I know, I've mentioned on-and-off in several past postings *shrugs*
so, yeh, some of this may be repetitious while newly worded ?
one of the oldest names I had that may still exist is Emdee (aka M.D. & variations)
when I was still part of a very-short-lived-band this was the name I was called, by band members & punks/"friends" of the time in the RRV/northern MinnKota region
having 'earned' the name due to my multiple medical issues & how often, then, I was in the hospital for tests or otherwise *sighs*
...the likelihood of anyone who knew me by that name still being around is little-to-none, based on lifestyle & who they were *shrugs*
elsewise they'd probably just forgotten me - this was late-80s, after all, & the number of 'things' they were on/into is a long list !
next oldest name that I am definitely still known by is Grr
this name is one I'm known by throughout Minnesota & parts of neighbouring states
- as well as other states & even countries, as I was introduced by this name when I met most of the people that I now know & have known for some time :)
( strange how many people from other states & countries ended up in northern MN, even for a short period of time - I still wonder why there, of all places ?!? )
given the name - by a teacher! - in my 1st class after I had moved way north in HS, it has stuck... and I daresay still fits
it's one of my most beloved names & (still!) react instantly when I hear "Grr!" come from someone's mouth - intentional or otherwise :D
when I returned to the RRV - albeit farther south - I became the SchmooGod ( aka (the) Schmoo or just Schmoo ;) )
I gained this name by my oft-stated statement that "I blame the SchmooGod" & varations thereof *laughs*
so, since I was often to blame I became said SchmooGod :D
while there are far, far less who know me by this name than the prior, there are still several now spread nationwide
many of whom I consider my family, despite lack of blood connection they are beloved to me as they say family should be <3
there is, of course, the fully-earned through very-out-of-practice names of Aussie Kisses & God Of Tongue
as I tend to sign following my writing mame as ", AK/GOT (OOP)" - with the OOP for 'Out Of Practice' ;)
what can I say ? *laughs* ...though, yeah, since 'last in use' was back in '07, s'been quite awhile *shrugs*
aye, during one span of my life where I was writing poetica left & write I wrote under a new name every couple weeks *laughs*
this included names I had previously went by as well as made-up-on-the-spot ones
these names - other than previously used - I'd never actually been called by, so there's no need to list those ;)
the name I write under & have written under for most of my poetica writing is t. Wolfox sR Rhose
a short version of the full thom Wolfox stRanger Rhose ( stRanger pronounced as "saint ranger" ;) )
thom is a shortening of my birthname - one which to date shows up on most of my bills & accounts & legal etc
having been named after my fathre, whom I didn't get along with for most of my life, I differentiated with good reason
weirdly/annoyingly, I wasn't allowed to use the "h" until after I graduated HS - teachers & parents alike would "correct" my spelling of my own name >:(
due to this, I signed most things - and still do - with a simple stylized "T"
( this "T" is actually a combination of a letter & how I draw roses, btw - done purposefully, chosen years & years ago... )
I use this stylized "T" even when I sign-out the full "thom"
...though I prefer, if spelled out, that the "t" is lower-case - just an FYI
*sidenote ::* I was legally born a "Jr" but legally dropped this as soon as I was able post-grad
so - don't. just don't. EVER. I will be more-than-a-little angry with you >:(
the Rhose portion should be obvious as it's an almost-spiteful addition of "h" to rose as I prefer the "h" with "thom" ;)
I do say almost-spiteful, since I love how it looks & reads in any format... <3
Wolfox is a preferred nomen ( despite being the first, based on meaning )
an obvious derivation/combination of 'Wolf' & 'Fox,' two creatures I'd been compared to in my life...
Hungry Like A Wolf & Crazy Like A Fox being two :) - though other wolf variations have arisen ;)
...if one is to completely shorten my writing name, "Wolfox" is the preferred shortening
- had a co-worker that would 'mockingly' call me Wolfox when he found out... since I'd altered my true last name in system to this
( I didn't want my legal last name showing up in the document info on excel, etc files - this name is NOT reknown for good things & prefer it not spread further than it has to )
'course, he didn't realize - probably still doesn't, he was a bit of a douche when he still worked with us - that I considered it an honourific no matter how hard he tried to mock
SO... this is by no means the full listing of names I've been known by in my lifetime, but it is most commonly seen & heard :)
( excepting the 1st, which is likely long-dead at this point ? *shrugs* )
Enjoy what little remains of the warmth, my Lovelies & Gentlefolk - it's gotten demn chilly 'round here, lucky if/when it hits 70!
twittage ::
8/24 : usps has got to be THE worst when it comes to tracking & delivering - on the 21st I got notice an item arrived in 'maple grove transit center' & has been 'in transit' since... at least their drivers DO deliver, unlike some whose drivers will note 'undeliverable' w/o even trying
8/24 II : one of the things I love about bacon is that it's multi-seasonal & it's BACON for f's sake... how can you NOT like bacon ? it's a religion & an experience & a demn tasty, crispy treat that can be eaten ANY time of day or night or holiday or 'holiday' & always with a smile! :D
8/25 : a parent takes responsibility for its children, a business takes responsibility as it is represented by its employees - 'protest groups' & 'political activist groups' should be treated the same... those in charge held equally responsible for any & all illegal actions of members!
8/27 : they're installing 'sturdier' gutter downpipes since people've ran over... or purposefully stepped on the clamp the ends of >:( ... which has been causing issues with the gutters on the building & garages - guess we'll see how this works :D
8/29 : 41 calls in the past 48hrs ?!? ...oh, and all but 2 weren't numbers I recognize (//shocker//) *sighs* - bleedin' absurdity - they called nearly EVER hour, sometimes twice an hour, never leaving a single message... odds of spam calling are high >:(
9/6 : "we'll start her stripping, then have her on the floor before we move her to the beds"
* remembering how I once - badly? - explained to a father what we'd be having his newly-hired young daughter doing as a member of the housekeeping staff of a hotel I managed* - :) amused :)
9/7 : still VERY annoyed that they closed the local Wendy's & replaced it with a 'broiled Cajun seafoid' place ( yes, one of their signs said 'seafoid' :( ) ... Wendy's is the only fast food burger I'll eat & now the closest is an almost 2hrs away ( meh! ) :(
9/7 II : yes, this upcoming Fri the 13th IS a full moon ... but ONLY if you live west of EDT - sorry to a huge chunk of the eastern US as well as eastern canada & any 'atlantic' nation between the US eastern seaboard & UTC/GMT, you just get a 'normal' Fri the 13th :p
9/8 : spontaneous masturbation cannot seriously be considered a hobby - but it's a great way to reduce random visitors & visitor-suggested outings ! :D note, however, that it IS frowned upon legal-wise is most situations as well as states :(
This Week's Random Playlist (albums) ::
Wednesday 13 - Calling All Corpses
Death Angel - Humanicide
watched recently :
via rental/streaming:
Men In Black: International
I Still See You
Death Race: Beyond Anarchy
Mortal Engines
Carnival Row (1st Season)
Invader Zim: Enter The Florpus
X-Men: Dark Phoenix
Agents Of SHIELD (6th Season)
The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance (1st Season)
Supernatural (10th Season)
Necessary Roughness
Star Trek (2009)
Star Trek Into Darkness
Star Trek Beyond
World War Z (Unrated)
Stephen King's Cat's Eye
Masters Of Horror: John Carpenter's Pro-Life
Fringe (3rd & 4th Season)
War Of The Worlds (2005)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2
-thom Wolfox sR Rhose, AK/GOT (OOP)
unusualist - I have yet to find a religion and/or spirituality that fits my own personal beliefs... other than, of course, the fact I am a (fallen) god.
( y'just now figured out that I'm basically a non-practicing hedonist? "if it feels good, do it, if it feels bad, you're doing it wrong" )
( "I believe in the proven power of willpower and the truth we are the gods we created. No one being created this universe and its wonders." )
( "the words of wisdom I follow will be the words I've written myself based on the life and experiences that I have Lived, Enjoyed, & Survived" )
( "may the platelets of justice travel the bloodstream of villainy, clog its arteries with honourable vengeance, and induce a coronary of truth" )
( "we are all inmates in the same asylum, some of us are just better at bribing the guards" )
( "In a previous life I was the engine block to a '56 chevy, I lost my heart to a Volkswagen Bus... er, wait - or was that a '57?" )
( "Godfuck Me, Jesus!" )
"Lately, we've been playing music by this chap named Bieber, gosh, you should hear the screams"
"Just fear me, love me, do as I say, and I will be your slave..."
"Oh, man. I'm sensing something very canadian about this place..."
"It's all true, god's an astronaut, Oz is over the rainbow, and Midian is where the monsters live..."
Jax : "yay for you, do you want a cookie or a bozo button?"