ANYways ... Happy Solstice !
summertide is (technically) here, even though the weather has lately given us late fall & early spring temps rather than summertide... or even pre-summertide/pre-spring, for that matter *deep sigh*
in the past week there has still been river flooding - which is an early-spring thing
and temps have been 10-20 degrees below 'the norm' for this time of year ( even colder just weeks ago *shivers* )
unfortunately I do not have the skills to do a thing about the weather ( ...yet ;) )
school is done for the year for my spawn - and I spent the day with a bit of spawnling pride :D <3
my youngest got a 3.95 ( out of 4 ) & my eldest a 3.28 ... 3.28 is only a B, but with what her grades were like for the 1st 3rd, she turned them around in spades !
( though I suppose this weekend I will have to keep my youngest from lording over her sister that she's smarter... again *sighs* - amusing, but annoying... and it leads to physical fighting :( )
I warned them they will be faced with excessive hugging this weekend :D
in 4 weeks, it'll be my 2nd vaca of the year... and last for the year
using up the last 7 workdays worth of vacation before it expires/resets
...and have no idea what I'm gonna be doing - and, really, at this point it's so close but can't afford to do anything
( the Hawai'i vaca rocked, but sucked the savings ;) )
even renting a car for a week is gonna be a streeeeetch, so unfortunately not looking likely ( it'd be cheaper to rent for a week than a couple days, fyi, so that wouldn't be worth it even if I could afford to :( )
at least it should be decent weather, being the last full week of July + last few days of ( excepting the last day, which I definitely have t'be at work the 31st )
so - *shrugs* - go for very long walks to the theatre, mayhaps ? *shrugs*
I'm sure I'll come up with something - hells, still gotta figure out what I sorta-wanta do next year if I intend t'get out of the country and use this passport o'mine !
Don't suppose anyone has a winning lottery ticket hanging around ? ;) :D <3
...BUT, that's all I have, my Lovelies & Gentlefolk
if it's any consolation, I'm typing this while naked in a toasty-warm apartment... though I need t'turn on the A/C so it'll be cool enough for my spawnlings when they arrive tomorrow morning :(
Farethee well for now !!
twittage ::
6/10 : new neighbour moving in across - seems ok ( though only met for a moment ) ... hilariously his child ( one of his children? ) tried to bring in a new "pet cricket" he found & was told "no," which led to a bit of a crying fit ( still trying not to laugh, it was so hilarous! )
6/12 : in pain mode since late last night/early morning, so was a long day at work... but picked up some stuff to help assist in things going back to 'norm' again ( reminded why I hate Dr's, too, since it was a particular UC Dr that exacerbated the issue initially a few yrs ago )
6/13 : dear rappers & hip-hoppers - PLEASE stop stealing & butchering rock songs... I start to hear it, thinking "kick ass, I love this song," then it turns to shit... and gets shittier & shittier :( - just. STOP. make your OWN "music!" ...this also applies to country singers *sigh*
6/21 : just a little spawnling pride this morning - 3.95 & 3.28 final grades for the year :)
6/21 II : other people : "shit, I'm almost out of minutes/data again..."
me : "shit, how in the 7 hells am I going to use up these minutes before the year is up & MORE minutes get added to the total ??" *sighs*
watched recently :
via rental/streaming:
Captain Marvel
The Tick (2nd Season)
Sherlock Gnomes
Daredevil (3rd Season)
The Punisher (2nd Season)
Swamp Thing (1st Season)
Reign Of The Supermen
Good Omens (1st Season)
Lucifer (4th Season)
Cloak & Dagger (2nd Season)
Cabin Fever: Patient Zero
Killer Tongue
M. Night Shyamalan's The Visit
John Carpenter's Christine
Super Hybrid
Beverly Hills Cop II
Stephen King's Sleepwalkers
Stephen King's Pet Sematary
Mel Brooks' Silent Movie
Johnny Mnemonic
-thom Wolfox sR Rhose, AK/GOT (OOP)
unusualist - I have yet to find a religion and/or spirituality that fits my own personal beliefs... other than, of course, the fact I am a (fallen) god.