it's a touch awkwardly funny when someone tries to pull the 'in my generation' card... and they're only 2yrs older
already heard a neighbour on their phone outside my apartment door 'it's not that bad, just have to warm up the car longer'

I have zero expectations in this regard...
it's not like I've been on a date this century, let alone that I've been effectively 'single' since '08

no, I'm not adding [an app] to txt, call, send docs to my smrtphone - you can txt/call my smrtphone direct or e'mail me w/ docs 'normally'
* and if at work I don't respond to most txts/calls, etc and [an app] won't change that
all I know about this year's SB : the President was cheered, the dandruff singer was boo'd, a halftime rapper promoted his album while a tennis player displayed her streetgang affiliation
Sad yet kinda funny when I have to argue w/ a truck driver right at the work street entrance telling me to cross when I'm gesturing & telling him 'dude, I'm heading TO the building, NOT crossing !'
they had my heat back up & running by ~8p, so thankfully was only out a few hrs...
this am they declared it was the coldest (locally) in 3yrs - -40° windchill - then corrected that it's the coldest since V'day '21 :D

...by Sat eve & most of Sun felt SO much better - 'course, then I awake this morn feeling like my sinuses have inflated ! :(

hny - even after sleeping over 12hrs still feel illish, take advantage of the day off & just gonna go right back t'resting until this crap breaks