I am having the best time in life right now. Just bought snow pants and got my skates sharpened so I can spend next weekend in Whistler. Spending half my time in the snow and the other half chillin with some good friends.
My mom was here for a week. We decided to get matching tattoos which really surprised me since my mom is the...
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My mom was here for a week. We decided to get matching tattoos which really surprised me since my mom is the...
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Lovely tattoo!
Just had my first appointment to meet my new tattoo artist, so stoked, She seems chill and super competent. Pumped to see what she draws up for me.. This year we were planning to spend a small amount on xmas in order to save for the future blah blah blah, anyway I decided ok I want to get my shoulder and arm done then. Needless...
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Yes to pictures!!
We have to make this hangout thing happen, I miss your face.
We have to make this hangout thing happen, I miss your face.
In many respects I am having the absolute best time these days but it is also causing me to question all that I thought I wanted. Im not sure of anything anymore and in my outer surroundings. I feel that I am tapping into a place within myself that I thought I was done with. A part of myself that I chose to forget in...
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Hmmmm. I like those experiences.
I want to go to Whistler! However, I do not want to buy winter tires in order to do so. I'm glad that you had a blast though.
I am floating just above my life, never quite staying in one place. I am dreaming of the future, lusting after the past and sinking my teeth into delicious moments as they breeze by. My body tingles in anticipation, craving sensation, pain, hot, cold, pleasure melt together. I lay here thinking of you.
Me? Aww you shouldn't have!

And yeah, next time I see you I'll tell you the other reason not to get into any big vans lately. Seriously.
How's next Tues night for you?

And yeah, next time I see you I'll tell you the other reason not to get into any big vans lately. Seriously.
How's next Tues night for you?
I can't tell if this is an out of body or an in body experience.
Crazy times in my life these days. Went away last weekend and had a very good time (wink)
So nice to meet sexy wonderful people. Now trying to keep my head on work instead of in the gutter and learning a ton of new tunes right now. Fuck so much going on right now I can barely keep up.
Got word that theres a place...
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Got word that theres a place...
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Agreed! You are beautiful! Ive been in a huge mood for writing music as of late... Do you think its the change of seasons or the resistance twards the coming of winter!? hahaha

New songs? Sounds like it's time to have another jam.
With you on the gutter-mind lately as well. Not that that is particularly new but it's definitely been elevated lately.
With you on the gutter-mind lately as well. Not that that is particularly new but it's definitely been elevated lately.
I was insanely sick last week with a flu and cold so I pretty much spent most of my time on my couch watching movies and porn. Needless to say I went completely stir crazy and could not wait to leave the house last night.
Had a pretty sweet time with some buds I hadn't seen in a while. Listened to sweet tunes and had...
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Had a pretty sweet time with some buds I hadn't seen in a while. Listened to sweet tunes and had...
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Glad you're feeling a bit better - play this week!
ps: Looking gorgeous as usual.
Glad you're feeling a bit better - play this week!
ps: Looking gorgeous as usual.
Thank you! 

All good - it wasn't tonight - I literally just walked in the door from LA! 

I'm doing the joker from the dark knight, nurse style.
Maybe something cute like a ninja or a scientist?
Oh and btw I'm coming up for halloween Saturday, what are you guys up to?
Maybe something cute like a ninja or a scientist?
Oh and btw I'm coming up for halloween Saturday, what are you guys up to?
Blerg I am not one of those people that can work 12 hour days. I need time to read, chill, go for a drink etc at the end of the day. I've started to teaching singing after work last week and already I an going to cut down the hours. I just finished school and im not willing to go back to all nighters unless...
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oh i have so much fun with you too and im quite serious about hanging out, a few of us are probably getting together chez moi for pumpkin carving and there is a free danceparty at the new and improved waldorf for halloween im probably going to... also my interview went freakishly well. now its reference checking time and me sitting and waiting again, she even asked if im ready to go to calgary for training this january... i really want it.
hahaha that lady being pointlessly annoying to you reminds me of an elderly man who yelled at this woman with the largest backpack for traveling on the skytrain today for putting her feet up on the dash... "are you from vancouver? people from vancouver dont do this. put your feet on the ground miss" everyone got quiet and just stared at him like whats wrong with you? and then he finally got off at richmond and i told the girl when we got off at the airport, man that was weird and funny. dont take it personally some people are douchebags or just have nothing else better to do but project their negativity, this is my advice for you... you have an awesome new job and you're doing your thing. xo
hahaha that lady being pointlessly annoying to you reminds me of an elderly man who yelled at this woman with the largest backpack for traveling on the skytrain today for putting her feet up on the dash... "are you from vancouver? people from vancouver dont do this. put your feet on the ground miss" everyone got quiet and just stared at him like whats wrong with you? and then he finally got off at richmond and i told the girl when we got off at the airport, man that was weird and funny. dont take it personally some people are douchebags or just have nothing else better to do but project their negativity, this is my advice for you... you have an awesome new job and you're doing your thing. xo
Um thanks
I usually go to Angela at Axis downtown..but, actually in that picture it's grown out from cutting my dreads off short. i just got it trimmed at Kokopelli on the drive the other day since I wasn't able to see Angela
Um I'm trying to grow it out otherwise though, but at least I don't have an uber mullet now hehe

well my computer is finally working again. I have been without internet for a couple of weeks. Im just trying to get this one to last a bit longer since there are other things I would much rather buy, like perhaps a timber cabin on saltspring island. (woot)
My posts have been disgustingly happy lately and that is because I am disgustingly happy in life....
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My posts have been disgustingly happy lately and that is because I am disgustingly happy in life....
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yay disgustingly happy posts!
Not so much lovey-type feelings, more like really genuine crush type feelings
Not so much lovey-type feelings, more like really genuine crush type feelings

That ring looks like something She-Ra would wear.
Yeah mushroom trip is a blast.
Yeah mushroom trip is a blast.
exciting things on the horizon or me folks. I am abandoning poverty and getting paid good money to play music all day. SOOOO now that I have money again its time to finally get planning on my next tattoo. It will be a sleeve and my first on with color. So now im shopping around to find the place. I welcome suggestions. I heard Liquid...
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Sign me up as a volunteer to test your ass-quarter bouncing. 
In the meantime, let's hike!

In the meantime, let's hike!