Friday Apr 22, 2005 Apr 22, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email I am horny and miserable. what a bad combination. I feel like bitting people....better stay away from this wolf tonight. If I had wings I'd be way happier VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS b_citi: hey I have a ???? 4 u when did u order your SG stuff, and how long did it take 2 get 2 u? Because it's been nearly a month since I ordered mine... Apr 24, 2005 elfalcon: Sorry to ear about your pain... But hey, don't tell me that you love biting, cause you will make ME horny... Viva wings, Viva you !! Apr 24, 2005
when did u order your SG stuff, and how long did it take 2 get 2 u?
Because it's been nearly a month since I ordered mine...