The smell of smoky fumes, the loud obnoxious people in the streets, cheap half ass pizza and chinese food everywhere. Fuck i love the city. I've started learning sound recording, im not sure if thats what im going to do with my music completely but i figure its a start. I just dont want to end up an ignorant musician who can't find their way around a studio. I cut my hair again its even crazier this time. I don't really tell hime what to do just 'make it fun' i think he did for sure this time. Its super workout at the gym tonight im ready to die once again in that class. Some of the people are so in shape its crazy.
im thinking of what to do for valentines day with Blair. So far i've made red sparkly pasties. Any ideas for some creative nights? I was thinking more girls for sure. mmm valentines the chocolate and sex holiday what could be better. No gushy romance for us.
Oh could someone remind me where the GT is next weekend. Are a lot of people coming?
Yeah I'm planning on going to the GT. You too?
Cathedra said onJanuary 20, 2005 @ 4:45PMREPLY
Et oui nous avons finalement la date et la place de fixe pour notre fameux GT! J'ai parler avec le gerant de la place et il est d'acc pour nous reserver un coin dans le fond du lounge alors je vous demanderais de svp confirmer votre presence!
QUOI: Un GT (get together) Montral pour la gang SG
O: au SoHo Lounge - 6289 rue St-Hubert - (514) 271-3006
QUAND: vendredi le 11 fvrier @ 22h
**Svp passez le mot de cet evenement a tout vos conaissances SG dans les regions pres que ca pourrais interesser. allo la gang de Ville de Quebec, Sherbrooke, etc...venez nous rejoindre!!
end of transmission.
I hear many people are going. You just need to confirm your presence (to Cathedra I guess...)
I'm one of those people who wonder...
"Should I stay or should I go..."
Think I will...