I got a new kitten yesterday. Im so excited. aaaaaaaahhhhh hes the cutest ever. WE werent even planing on getting one. we went out to breakfast and on the way back just stopped in the pet shop to play with the lizards. We named him Azriel, from the smurfs, If anyone knows the right spelling for it let me know. Other than that same old for me. I did get my hair cut a bit the other day, mostly just chopped the back more. I like it so thats a plus. Im going crazy these days. I have no idea what lies ahead. Does it ever freak you out when you honestly dont know whats coming. I feel like i've been straining for so many years and soon i'll have to come out and just go for it. I try to just enjoy each day and the little pleasures it brings. like my new kitten. Im dying to meet some montrealers. give me a shout
I love uncertainty...life's more exciting that way.
Ya, Supersize me = worth seeing for sure. L8r!!