Blerg I am not one of those people that can work 12 hour days. I need time to read, chill, go for a drink etc at the end of the day. I've started to teaching singing after work last week and already I an going to cut down the hours. I just finished school and im not willing to go back to all nighters unless their for fun and pleasure

the weirdest thing happened today, I was parking and while parking this woman stopped to yell out her window "what do you think your doing? you can't park there for another five minutes idiot" then proceeded to give me a thumbs up and scoff at me. Why would she care if im waiting five minutes in a parking spot, why make it your mission to win jackass of the week. Blerg shitty people suck. My lesson of the day, shitty people suck,

The man behind the counter looks like he's got
A half a dozen places he'd rather be
And furthermore it looks like he's prepared
To take it all out on me
Buddy, I don't really care what your problem is
Just don't make it mine
Come on kids, let's all hold hands
And pretend we're having a good time
Maybe you don't like your job
Maybe you didn't get enough sleep
Well, nobody likes their job
Nobody got enough sleep
Maybe you just had
The worst day of your life
But, you know, there's no escape
And there's no excuse
So just suck up and be nice
hahaha that lady being pointlessly annoying to you reminds me of an elderly man who yelled at this woman with the largest backpack for traveling on the skytrain today for putting her feet up on the dash... "are you from vancouver? people from vancouver dont do this. put your feet on the ground miss" everyone got quiet and just stared at him like whats wrong with you? and then he finally got off at richmond and i told the girl when we got off at the airport, man that was weird and funny. dont take it personally some people are douchebags or just have nothing else better to do but project their negativity, this is my advice for you... you have an awesome new job and you're doing your thing. xo