this is awesome i mean think of the fun night that would accompany this outfit

sublive has recently put up a llist and I am going to fill it out
Seven things to do before I die
1) Live in Mexico(learn fucking spanish)
2) Perfect a character for the stage that I can perform as
3) Do burlesque
4) move in with someone ( im too scared to do it)
5) Become a hairstylist
6) Move to a place where i dont know anyone
7) go to a nudist colony
2. Seven things I cannot do
1) lick an armpit
2) have real wings(sad)
3) leave my natural hair color grow in
4) stop smiling
5) feel settled
6) not care
7) hurt an animal
4. Seven things I say most often
1) lick my balls
2) hey lady
3)dirty words( i talk like a trucker)
4) dude
5) jesus in a pissed off way
5. Seven books (or series) that I love
1) osho
2) history of mistresses
3) sin and decease through the ages
4)my old archies
5) suicide blond
6) garfield
7) the bell jar
6. Seven movies I watch over and over again (or would if I had time)
1) dirty dancing
2) van helsing
3) tenenbaums.
4) xmen 1&2
5) spun
6) south park
7) about a boy(i know its cheesy)
we were actually in Missouri. Boogan country. Strange to think you'd ever encounter culture shock within 5o minutes drive. and i'll let you know if i make that grant. could be alot of fun.
i know but, the stresssss ahhhhhhhhhhhh