i have an appointment sept. 14 at the ankle specialist to schedule surgery. i disrupted the recontruction in my right ankle. i am waiting for the doctor to call me in something for pain. also my fiance's dad came across a receipt for some things from a sex toy website and a book of mine. and has told us to get everything involving sex out of the house and he better not find anything like that again. i am a bit frustrated as i am a full grown adult so is his son and it was in our room. if we are not putting it on blast what is the problem? and i have somethings that are to be delivered on monday and i wont be here... idk what to do any suggestions?
i am afraid if i tell his father to mind his business he will kick me and my daughter out but i need personal space and at this houe it seems as if i do not have any at all.
i am afraid if i tell his father to mind his business he will kick me and my daughter out but i need personal space and at this houe it seems as if i do not have any at all.
kisses and hugs