I'm crap at this

I'm giving up!


At least for today
Some people just make me smile. Some people just make me cry. Some people do both, why do we have to fall in love with 'em?
Thank you for commenting on my set smile

So i've got to be just about the worlds worst person at keeping up this journal lark. I just about get enough time for a quick perve at the beautiful ladies - I must be more organised.

Went to see an exhibition yesterday about Richard Burton (not the movie star) who translated the Kamasutra and Arabian Nights and the Perfumed Garden. Interesting guy!

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thank you
You're welcome
Welll at least now I know that one person reads the journals! Hi Joey my one and only reader. wink

Things are kind of busy here - lots on at work. Just been out for the eve and am now a little on the drunk side.

Fun night though, caught up with some friends. Out tomorrow with a girlfriend of mine who's turning 18. All legal...
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How difficult can it be to write a few words each day in this here journal?
How difficult can it be to get out of bed?
How difficult can it be to decide what to cook for dinner?

Bloody difficult thats the answer to all of the above.

But I feel as though I must write something every day - but I won't 'cause I...
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i do i read it..tongue
Eventually I will beg, borrow or steal a digi camera - in the mean time enjoy my baby SB photo's.

I've just been out to watch a Blues band from New york and they were great - yey New York Blues bands!


Night All

I was trying to think of something profound to write for my first journal entry. But my brain is suffering the effects of the day before frown So this will have to do.

Carpe Diem, Momento Mori