So, I went to math class this evening, like a dutiful student, and, like an English major, did not pay attention to anything. Instead, I wrote a lovely list of many things that I enjoy in life which I am going to share in this blog because they won't all fit in my profile box.
Oh yeah, it's that long. And growing.
Things Wolf (Jes) likes:
new nail polish smell, glasses (fully-rimmed), tests, good grades, pencil smudges, anti-heroes, strange pictures that make sense in inexplicable ways, freewriting, the color blue: dark electric, Smashing Pumpkins, SG member review, clocks, nakedness, carrying things, vending machines, record players, new car smell in leather interior, cigar smoke, fortune, macro lenses, scream therapy, contrariness, acceptance, "Institutionalized," intuition/instinct, the color red, most every color, cool blankets in a warm room, the number one, challenging homework, Jordan (my best friend), rivers, fire pits, fire, deserts, dyslexia, ballet flats, good conversation, hosiery, knee-length skirts, appendices, dark/cool colors, half-hours, well-supported arguments, rings, antithesis, the word "watch" in the sense of guardianship, dreams, curly hair, Ice Ages, the Stone Age, shapely feet, curled fingers, simplicity in complexity, breezes, new places, glaciers, messes, glass, windows, brains, bartering, stars, zombies, English accents: East London cockney (specifically), clowns, tears, scars, rips, bruises, strippers, stripes, ice, snow, storms, rain and cloudy days, the word "sever" [us], hot showers under yellowed fluorescent lights, black, Holocaust documentaries, small font (but not too small), Libra, trees, walking in the woods, markets, the word "Jericho," walls, garden gates, plural form, singularity, pirates, space, outer-space, the moon, journals (even though I can't keep them regularly), open books, tassels, singing, monologues, pencil skirts, graduation, scales (reptilian), the name "James," overtime, margins, margarine, bitterness, playing pretend (by myself), the prefix "mar-," Marla Singer, fights (watching them), body butter, show business, poster tack, selfishness, hiding and seeking (simultaneously), library lady buns, assassins, puddles, soccer goals, calling soccer football, anticipation - the lead-up, seeing without believing (that's when you know something is really profound), math class doodles, leaving early, spinning tops, clove-footed beasts, heavy curtains that glow in the light, small spaces, film cameras, cramped pages, dark rooms with red lights, discussion, big, soft pillows (seat-sized), vagueness, not being aware of why you know something but knowing it anyway, deja vu, sleep and insomnia, lots and lots of music, personal value, sheepishness in girls, laser guns, titanium, billions, thousands, thinking,the knowledge that vodka exists and will be there for me one day, braces (the mathematical ones), extremes, merchants, questions, baby seals, puppies, grown cats, truth, contrast, basics, thought processes, games (not the emotional kind), people-watching (not to be confused with creepin'), the word "ethnicity," gemstones, watching other people get scared at irrational things i.e.: Fright Fest, roller coasters, implications (especially the unfounded kind), black and white photos, the Trickster Hero, wool (the right kind of itch), the letter "g," and assumptions (because everyone's an ass).
Make of this list what you will. I enjoyed revisiting it, if only for the purpose of copying it down. I have an explanation for each thing, so go ahead and ask why. I do like questions, you know. It says so.
This is an exercise I'd recommend for anyone who is trying to figure out where their life is at or anyone feeling down about life. It makes you really think, and, for the most part, you stay positive the whole time you're writing the list because it's things you like, not things you don't like. Get specific. Really think about why you like something if it just pops into your mind. Sometimes you discover you like things you didn't know you liked but realize you like because it means something very distinct to you. I love self-discovery. You can't think about things you don't like, everything has to be positive. No "nots" or "buts" (I broke that rule once in there and it made me sad, so don't do it), nothing negative. Just plain nouns or verbs or adjectives. That's the only rule. Nothing negative.
You can do it. It's fun, too, and if you're really freakin' bored one day during your equivalent of math class, it's a great way to pass the time and learn something about yourself. Don't forget to question why you like something if you're not sure. Always ask and think and reflect. It's so important and empowering.
Oh yeah, it's that long. And growing.
Things Wolf (Jes) likes:
new nail polish smell, glasses (fully-rimmed), tests, good grades, pencil smudges, anti-heroes, strange pictures that make sense in inexplicable ways, freewriting, the color blue: dark electric, Smashing Pumpkins, SG member review, clocks, nakedness, carrying things, vending machines, record players, new car smell in leather interior, cigar smoke, fortune, macro lenses, scream therapy, contrariness, acceptance, "Institutionalized," intuition/instinct, the color red, most every color, cool blankets in a warm room, the number one, challenging homework, Jordan (my best friend), rivers, fire pits, fire, deserts, dyslexia, ballet flats, good conversation, hosiery, knee-length skirts, appendices, dark/cool colors, half-hours, well-supported arguments, rings, antithesis, the word "watch" in the sense of guardianship, dreams, curly hair, Ice Ages, the Stone Age, shapely feet, curled fingers, simplicity in complexity, breezes, new places, glaciers, messes, glass, windows, brains, bartering, stars, zombies, English accents: East London cockney (specifically), clowns, tears, scars, rips, bruises, strippers, stripes, ice, snow, storms, rain and cloudy days, the word "sever" [us], hot showers under yellowed fluorescent lights, black, Holocaust documentaries, small font (but not too small), Libra, trees, walking in the woods, markets, the word "Jericho," walls, garden gates, plural form, singularity, pirates, space, outer-space, the moon, journals (even though I can't keep them regularly), open books, tassels, singing, monologues, pencil skirts, graduation, scales (reptilian), the name "James," overtime, margins, margarine, bitterness, playing pretend (by myself), the prefix "mar-," Marla Singer, fights (watching them), body butter, show business, poster tack, selfishness, hiding and seeking (simultaneously), library lady buns, assassins, puddles, soccer goals, calling soccer football, anticipation - the lead-up, seeing without believing (that's when you know something is really profound), math class doodles, leaving early, spinning tops, clove-footed beasts, heavy curtains that glow in the light, small spaces, film cameras, cramped pages, dark rooms with red lights, discussion, big, soft pillows (seat-sized), vagueness, not being aware of why you know something but knowing it anyway, deja vu, sleep and insomnia, lots and lots of music, personal value, sheepishness in girls, laser guns, titanium, billions, thousands, thinking,the knowledge that vodka exists and will be there for me one day, braces (the mathematical ones), extremes, merchants, questions, baby seals, puppies, grown cats, truth, contrast, basics, thought processes, games (not the emotional kind), people-watching (not to be confused with creepin'), the word "ethnicity," gemstones, watching other people get scared at irrational things i.e.: Fright Fest, roller coasters, implications (especially the unfounded kind), black and white photos, the Trickster Hero, wool (the right kind of itch), the letter "g," and assumptions (because everyone's an ass).
Make of this list what you will. I enjoyed revisiting it, if only for the purpose of copying it down. I have an explanation for each thing, so go ahead and ask why. I do like questions, you know. It says so.
This is an exercise I'd recommend for anyone who is trying to figure out where their life is at or anyone feeling down about life. It makes you really think, and, for the most part, you stay positive the whole time you're writing the list because it's things you like, not things you don't like. Get specific. Really think about why you like something if it just pops into your mind. Sometimes you discover you like things you didn't know you liked but realize you like because it means something very distinct to you. I love self-discovery. You can't think about things you don't like, everything has to be positive. No "nots" or "buts" (I broke that rule once in there and it made me sad, so don't do it), nothing negative. Just plain nouns or verbs or adjectives. That's the only rule. Nothing negative.
You can do it. It's fun, too, and if you're really freakin' bored one day during your equivalent of math class, it's a great way to pass the time and learn something about yourself. Don't forget to question why you like something if you're not sure. Always ask and think and reflect. It's so important and empowering.
A woman who loves the smell of cigar smoke!?
I always thought they were a dying breed
So, how have things been going for you lately? Any news from Whitewater? What did you think of Watchmen?
And don't feel too bad about the FanFic, I cut my teeth writing my fair share of it too; I'm sure there are still some of my Transformers fanfic still floating around the intertubes (although, I hope most of it doesn't see the light of day!
Congrats on getting into Whitewater, BTW; my sister just got accepted into a Masters program at UW-Milwaukee, and we're excited for her (although she's scared to death to actually MOVE to Milwaukee, not that I blame her. I've been lost in downtown Belfast at 2 in the morning, I've gotten stuck in rough areas of Detroit before and, hell, I lived in the Alaskan Bush for two years. But MILWAUKEE? That place makes even me a bit nervous