Still haven't received an acceptance letter from Whitewater. Slightly anxious. But I'm going to see Watchmen at MIDNIGHT on OPENING NIGHT. Oh yeah.
And now I have the Comedian lighting his cigar on my dorm door with his flamethrower. I know he's a jackass, but he's such an awesome character. I love people who tell it like it is. That's the kind of person I try to be. I don't much mind that it hurts the feelings of others. One can't live in delusions.
I am obsessed with Diane Arbus. I just love her and her work. It only made me love her even more that the movie Fur co-stars Robert Downey, Jr. I know it wasn't a true biopic, but he was still in it and associated with her. I've decided I'll be studying her for the "famous photographer" assignment in my photo class.
I have to read Act I of The Taming of the Shrew. I love that play.
And now I have the Comedian lighting his cigar on my dorm door with his flamethrower. I know he's a jackass, but he's such an awesome character. I love people who tell it like it is. That's the kind of person I try to be. I don't much mind that it hurts the feelings of others. One can't live in delusions.
I am obsessed with Diane Arbus. I just love her and her work. It only made me love her even more that the movie Fur co-stars Robert Downey, Jr. I know it wasn't a true biopic, but he was still in it and associated with her. I've decided I'll be studying her for the "famous photographer" assignment in my photo class.
I have to read Act I of The Taming of the Shrew. I love that play.
The rumor I heard is that Dr. Manhattan isn't working for Ozymandius so much as they try to make it look as if HE is the Big Bad, instead of Giant Squid Thing.
Personally, if that turns out to be true, I'm okay with it, as long as it follows the internal logic of the story. But, much like you, I have a lot of faith in the director as well. From the reviews I've read and the things I've seen, I think its going to turn out just find; Snyder obviously is a true fan of the story and is going to want t do right by it (besides, if he fucks it up, Alan Moore might try to curse him or something; and, personally, I wouldn't do anything to piss that man off more than possible. He looks more intimidating than David Alan Coe!)
BTW, since you are into politics, have you been keeping an eye on the state politics in Wisconsin? (I see you just moved to the state a bit ago). One of my biggest regrets about being in North Dakota right now and, before that, Alaska has been that I don't have as good of a grasp on the politics of my state at the moment. I keep wanting to get a subscription to the State Journal, but that paper is damn expensive!
Although a Democrat, I always describe myself as a Wisconsin Progressive, and truthfully, Jim Doyle just bothers me. Its nothing I can put my finger on, but he just strikes me as somewhat corrupt; a fact which, if true, is all the more sad because of who his Mother and Father were (Ruth and James Doyle Sr were kick ass!) On the other hand, it may just be his voice; he's a squeeker.
Good luck on your application to Whitewater, by the way. Whitewater is a damn good school, and I've always heard very good things about it. Personally, it was never one of the ones I looked at, simply because it was too far to the South (I'm a Northwoods kid, at heart, and always said I refused to go to any school South of my house.) I'm not too sure about their English department, but I know that they have a regionally reknowned History program, especially as it relates to state history. If you get accepted, which I'm sure you will, you'll love it there.
Ah, so you've lived in Wisconsin for 15 years; well, then, I suppose I shall forego the required Illinois FIB jokes then
Its always great to see someone taking interest in politics. Although I always found it interesting (I once told my Mom that I wanted to be President, when I was 5, and the family story goes that I was the one who convinced both of my parents to vote for Bill Clinton in the Dem primary back in 92), but I didn't get hardcore into it until getting to college myself. The Bush/Gore disaster acted as a major kick in the ass for me, and is largely responsible for turning me into the Political Geek which I currently am (Its gotten sad; I've realized that most of the TV I watch these days is politics and news related. Its either MSNBC or the Daily Show. Scary)
Of course, it helps that Wisconsin has such a fascinating and vibrant history, especially in politics. I still consider Bob LaFollette, and his son Phil, to be two of my biggest heroes in life.
Anyway, don't worry about the transfer nightmares, we've all been there. I remember, at one time, applying for a transfer to UW-GB from Northern Michigan University and, although they were happy enough to take my money, they never let me know if I was accepted or not. That was about 8 years back, but I swear to god the next time I'm at that school, I should walk into Admissions and demand they give me back my 45 dollars
Once again, though, I'm sure its all fine. If they don't get a letter to you in the next few days, it certainly wouldn't hurt to just give the admissions office a call and ask them.
So, if you don't mind me asking, where are you going to school right now, and what's your major?