"Hi, can you stop posting my photos in groups? this set will be deleted soon by me and I will post others much better, thanks ❤️❤️ ❤️"
So, I got this message from a Hopeful whose set pictures I shared in a couple threads. I thought the girl was (is) very cute and deserved to be seen by a wider audience; I assume(d) that is what most Hopefuls desired. I only shared tasteful pics in the usual threads, including Best Pictures on SG/Everything SG Group; no butthole or pussy shots for me! Admittedly, I was pissed at first, although I would, of course, respect her wishes. After some reflection, I see her message was polite, and she had her reasons, though I don't fully understand the problem. So, my question is, should I consult with the models before sharing their pics from now on, or just stop doing so altogether? Thanks! 😎