I recently began meditating to see if it would work for me, IT WORKS! I have never been so relaxed, happy, and comfortable with myself. I hiked up into the mountains a few days ago and had a session while facing the city... and with the meditating everything was just so beautiful. I have fallen in love with nature, and I love everybody I'm around....
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Nothing better than meditating and then kicking back with your best friend and playing some video games for hours on end.


I can't believe that i had to work tonight... i haven't gotten any sleep lately and i missed christmas with my family because of it... this make 5 years in a row that i haven't been able to enjoy christmas with anybody.


I need more stoner friends. I hate smoking alone, and I also just hate being alone. Anybody in the new mexico area that would be down to hang out then hit me up!


Just got myself a belgian waffle maker that can make 2 waffles at once! Who wants to come over for some sweet waffley goodness? and maybe bring some weed XD

Ooooh! Me!! <3 xoxo
Mmmmmm waffles. ..

So even though I had the shittiest night so far this holiday prep season, I feel fantastic. You know why? Because i have finally gotten my life back on track. I have even started writing music and scripts. still need a camera, but until then there is always practice and and little bit of "magic" *cough weed cough cough... oh sorry did I type that...
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I'm getting to that point where I dont want my current roommates to live here anymore. such fucking slobs. I'm always cleaning up after them and it is really starting to piss me off. anybody that has a skype and would be down to chat for a bit? it would be awesome to have someone decent to talk to for once.

Thats why you gotta live alone. I understand your frustration. 

So my xbox broke... i sold evertything i had for it and got myself a ps3... better choice since i have more friends that play ps3 more than xbox... just need to get an hdmi cable so i can play some assassin's creed 4 tonight


I finally got my new place and am going to be moving some of my stuff over today. I really hope that I can get the electric and gas turned on real soon. Gonna finally get my life back to where it needs to be.