Here's some pics of the boys Chillin at my pad last night:
The thighs... they are pissed. ;-)
Wonderful day skiing. capped it off by sitting three 1...2...3.. solid hours on the highway before Eisenhower Tunnel due to a traffic fatality. That's one of those moments where compassion, empathy, and selfishness collide. You feel really bad that someone that could have easily been you or yours just died... but fucking christ come on and clear at least one fucking lane of traffic already! I do notice that things like that seem to color the overal enjoyablitiy of an event for my friends than it does me. Maybe things should bother me a little more. But the way I look at it is that you can be really pissed and still have to sit on the highway not moving for tres horas, or you can accept it and still sit on the higway for three hours. I seem to choose the later more often than not. Maybe I'm just really good at repression.
Hope yer all having a wonderful flowing and not stagnant in traffic kind of day!
Hey I also have some Gmail invites if anyone wants one.
Ended up seeing this on the crash... very very sad.
went back and read the mf piece. it's beautiful. mind you, i knew the story, but the way you put it here encapsulated it just beautifully.