Alrrrright new blog I guess...
I finally started working as a Paramedic its a crappy company but for now experience is what I need and some monehs too
I'm studying for the GRE and in March I'll be going to Fire School for 10 weeks for Shits and Giggles and because I have always wanted to and timing is perfect since I'm not into grad school yet... Oh and I have been snowboarding and let me tell you learning is painful f'real landing on your face is never fun but hey I'm all about pain if its getting me somewhere in the end
I hope that everyone is doin great
and that all of your new years have started out purty well
-On a side note I'm going to the house of blues cleveland tonight because one of my good friends rented the entire place out for his bday talk about loadddded hah
I finally started working as a Paramedic its a crappy company but for now experience is what I need and some monehs too

I hope that everyone is doin great

-On a side note I'm going to the house of blues cleveland tonight because one of my good friends rented the entire place out for his bday talk about loadddded hah

Did you get that card yet?
Thanks for your comment on my set!