Soooo I passed my Paramedic test and now I have absolutely no idea what to do with my mass amounts of free time, I think I'll start studying for the GRE, get a tattoo, and be generally more healthy
Oh yea and I'm going to Fireschool in March for shits and giggles, which should be challenging and fun. Oh and my first day snowboarding this year my binding bust so I went out and bought Burton Customs and they're tittys
I'm pretty sure they cost more than more board did hah
I wish you all a happy holidays and stay safe out there, because for one if you get hurt in Ohio you might get this guy haha and two because is not always funnn

Oh yea and I'm going to Fireschool in March for shits and giggles, which should be challenging and fun. Oh and my first day snowboarding this year my binding bust so I went out and bought Burton Customs and they're tittys

I wish you all a happy holidays and stay safe out there, because for one if you get hurt in Ohio you might get this guy haha and two because is not always funnn

why thanks!!

Tahnk you darling
Congrats to your test thats great!!! How are youu?