I'm posting here, NOT gonna say any names out of respect for the model (I'm not gettin' nekkid!) but to glorify "cutting" as it seemed in a set I saw today is pretty fucked up. I didn't see a beautiful naked woman, I saw someone with issues. Issues like that=the opposite of attractive.
Either you're doing it because it's "cool" (NOT) or you should go see a shrink.
Body mods=beautiful. Cutting=ugly and pretty fucking childish and stupid. Get the fuck over yourself and find some other way to get the attention you apparently need.
I'm posting here, NOT gonna say any names out of respect for the model (I'm not gettin' nekkid!) but to glorify "cutting" as it seemed in a set I saw today is pretty fucked up. I didn't see a beautiful naked woman, I saw someone with issues. Issues like that=the opposite of attractive.
Either you're doing it because it's "cool" (NOT) or you should go see a shrink.
Body mods=beautiful. Cutting=ugly and pretty fucking childish and stupid. Get the fuck over yourself and find some other way to get the attention you apparently need.
it's a cop out and a poor excuse, IMO.
Meh, it will fade into member review obscurity.