Blah, oh well, I played by all the rules, followed all the suggestions, tried to inform the staff but it didn't work. For those not aware, notice the kinda off-grey background in messages and forums? unfortunately it's giving quite a few members, including myself, pretty severe eye strain. I can sit at an internet browser for 12 hours without a break (not trying that again :-( ) with nary a blink, but less than five minutes of this site and I'm having to minimise, go for a walk or read until the throbbing stops. So, while I'll still be around every once in a while to check out the new breasts, I'm going to have to end my enjoyment of chat/the forums/anything involving more than 5 minutes of my time
Oh well, sorry to be whiny, I know the staff tend not to give a shit about people's problems from their responses on the forums, but I thought they'd be at least sensitive enough to fix their site damaging people's vision. Oh well, I'm just pissed I paid for the 1 year option. I wonder if they give refunds
Oh well, sorry to be whiny, I know the staff tend not to give a shit about people's problems from their responses on the forums, but I thought they'd be at least sensitive enough to fix their site damaging people's vision. Oh well, I'm just pissed I paid for the 1 year option. I wonder if they give refunds