Lately I have been noticing that my jeans feel a little tighter than I like. From this I drew the conclusion that I was getting fat, which would once upon a time have initiated a huge meltdown for me. Luckily these days I'm much better at dealing with such things. I decided to eat fewer chocolate biscuits and figured my weight would sort itself out. Anyway, a week passed where I left my jeans on the floor of my room where they live and I didn't drink beer and had only a moderate number of cookies. During that week I checked myself out in the mirror frequently, as I am wont to do, and I came to the conclusion that I was not looking fat and was actually looking particularly hot (for me). So, today I put my jeans on again. They are still tight. I located my measuring tape and measured the allegedly offending body parts and they're the same size as usual. I have no idea what's up with that. It seems unlikely that the jeans I've had for 2 years have suddenly decided to shrink.
Still, I am proud of myself for not doing anything rash over it.
Incidentally I discovered that the circumference of each of my (admittedly generous) thighs is the same as that of my corsetted waist. I've got the Lara Croft proportions!
Still, I am proud of myself for not doing anything rash over it.
Incidentally I discovered that the circumference of each of my (admittedly generous) thighs is the same as that of my corsetted waist. I've got the Lara Croft proportions!
It's a writing grant that abandons you in a little house in the Wairau valley between Picton and Nelson with nothing but all the comforts of home and a car. Where are you?
I'm all about ferry boats.