Some fool drywaller at work today decided to ram a lift into a water line that was passing like 50000 gallons of water through it. I kinda felt like I was at waterworld. All the old ass haggard construction men thought it was odd that I was playing in the water 8)
Aside from that, same shit, new day.
Onward! To Big D's! I've been psyching myself up to talk to this stunning blonde thats been there, playing eye games with me for the past few Thursdays. Maybe tonight is the night I grow balls and pull a Don Juan move on her.
Sleep time!
Ball growing was unnecessary, she wasnt there. Next time 8)(
Some fool drywaller at work today decided to ram a lift into a water line that was passing like 50000 gallons of water through it. I kinda felt like I was at waterworld. All the old ass haggard construction men thought it was odd that I was playing in the water 8)
Aside from that, same shit, new day.
Onward! To Big D's! I've been psyching myself up to talk to this stunning blonde thats been there, playing eye games with me for the past few Thursdays. Maybe tonight is the night I grow balls and pull a Don Juan move on her.
Sleep time!
Ball growing was unnecessary, she wasnt there. Next time 8)(
Hey there! Sorry to hear you have a hot job. It is cooling down though so don't worry. Sounds silly coming from a chick typing in AC right? Shut my mouth you say? Yep I should. Hey, you are always welcome to come to mi casa and grab a steak, a brew, hop in the pool and soak up the ac. I am having a small bbq on Sunday. It is pretty quite though, not like the partay, so far my guest list includes my mom- she likes to talk about horses, my gma- she's funny, she says real odd shit without cussing, my step dad- he is a hoot- he can show you old school tats, stories of Vietnam, Mark- my hubby, me, Kevin- my roomie- he talks about cars, a guy named Jimmie- he makes mid evil weapons and play fights with them, his wife- she talks about dogs. Sounds like tons of fun huh? Whewie yippie! But if that isn't your chugger of beer then feel more than welcome to come over and do the same on Sat or Mon too when my lively crowd isn't in da house. -just email or call me 602-717-4641 and for others out there who may copy my cell down thats cool, but if you call me, make sure to tell me who you are because I forget who's who with the handles and shit sometimes.