so yeah, last night was the SGNH meet/ pommyjeffs going away party. granny picked me up around 6 (thanks again!), and we had a fun car ride to who knows where, and then ended up managing to find the arcade anyway. but by the time we got there, everyone was about to pack it up. so i just ran around with junetuesday and friday, which was downright amusing. there were actually two people i knew there, eve_ill and JOHNNY, so that was cool. and i got to meet ninja_nate and some others. all fun kids.
the night was filled with fun stuff. the "tasteful!" lady, jenna tryng to kick everyone who came near her, which resulted in her getting her ass wrapped around a pole, ice cream buffet, me doing poor english accents, going to the beach and everyone watching kelly trying to get into her bathing suit under a towel, baywatch running, listening to "special" karaoke on the rocks with jenna and steph, talking about wieners, jenna and i writing our names in the sand, me and jeff being fucking emo and singing sad songs about jenna and steph, there was the "holy shit! ice cream!" guy, singing whitney houston and eddie money with jenna and steph, and then being harassed by the cops until we left the beach. and then as kelly and i were leaving, she was changing the cds in the trunk, and 2 cars (including a cop van) stopped and were like "hey, need some help lady?" haha. they wanted her wet assss. what a fun night.
the night was filled with fun stuff. the "tasteful!" lady, jenna tryng to kick everyone who came near her, which resulted in her getting her ass wrapped around a pole, ice cream buffet, me doing poor english accents, going to the beach and everyone watching kelly trying to get into her bathing suit under a towel, baywatch running, listening to "special" karaoke on the rocks with jenna and steph, talking about wieners, jenna and i writing our names in the sand, me and jeff being fucking emo and singing sad songs about jenna and steph, there was the "holy shit! ice cream!" guy, singing whitney houston and eddie money with jenna and steph, and then being harassed by the cops until we left the beach. and then as kelly and i were leaving, she was changing the cds in the trunk, and 2 cars (including a cop van) stopped and were like "hey, need some help lady?" haha. they wanted her wet assss. what a fun night.
REMEMBER Father Dowling? You kidding?. He's on repeat most afternoons here, for real baby. Hell yeah, I've skipped many a lecture for him. These SGNH meets seem lively.

Hey could do you a deal. Ill send you tapes of Father Dowling and you send me tapes of ummmm I'll think of something later. Oh and I'm going to add Quantum Leap on my favorites RIGHT NOW! How could I forget...Oh Boy....