so last night i went to a party, and one of my best friends was being awfully friendly with a girl that was not his girlfriend. after i left the party, i found out that the two started fooling around, then went back to his place. that put me in a really tough fucking spot, because i am good friends with his girlfriend too(they have been dating for over a year and a half, and she is one of my roommates). i stayed up until 8am when she got home from work to tell her the news about her boyfriend. i'm not sure if i did the right thing. i'm not sure if i should have just kept my mouth shut or not. i feel kinda bad for ratting him out, but i happen to think that cheating is an awful thing to do to someone. i feel really bad for her, since she had to work 11 hours just to come home and find out that her boyfriend is an asshole. and most likely i fucked up our 2 and a half year friendship.
did i do the right thing?
did i do the right thing?
to say out loud that he likes "Dirty Dancing."
And that is wonderful.
I think it was a mass worldwide delusion
brought on by too much Reality TV.
Those who actually saw it remember nothing upon waking.
Like a distant, strange dream....
or a drunken alien abduction.