Am i dreaming?! Did my new set Tarot 101 seriously make over 900 likes in the first 24 hrs?! I cant believe it! This is so magickal🔮❤
I want to thank everyone who liked/ shared or commented on the set! You all said such wonderful things and youve made me so happy😀😀
Also a big hello to all my new folowers!! And thank you for your support!
I cannot express how much this community means to me. Ive been following the SuicideGirls for over 10 years and im so glad to be apart of this site!
Heres an image @megm289 and I shot last week (that may or may not be a set for SG😉😉😂) thank you for all the love you've shown me recently❤❤❤
@missy @rambo @lyxzen thank you for this amazing community i get to call my second home❤ and for answering all my silly questions! You guys rock!