Yeah, probably time for a new post...
Summer is over for me now. After the Arabic was over, went off to Boston for a few weeks - watched the Sox play the Rangers, went fishing, bought some art, and married off my buddy. In Boston I met an eye-opening, brilliant and amazingly beautiful girl and went off to Hawaii with her to do some fieldwork - out of my normal field of expertise, but her research contributed to a theory/method I'm currently developing for a new application... Of course, she has a boyfriend and I am sadly falling in love with a woman that I can't be in love with.
Back at school now, moving from Arabic to Mandarin Chinese since I can't get any more advanced Arabic training out here. Still doing my normal research, though. I hope to have my thesis written by December, but I still need to get to Morocco and London again before I'm completely finished. In any case, the end sees me, but it is nowhere in my field of view. Considering and fishing for job offers, so let me know if you need someone with my background and highly-specialized, if not narrow, skill-sets;and you can pay me enough to allow me to make loan repayments
Summer is over for me now. After the Arabic was over, went off to Boston for a few weeks - watched the Sox play the Rangers, went fishing, bought some art, and married off my buddy. In Boston I met an eye-opening, brilliant and amazingly beautiful girl and went off to Hawaii with her to do some fieldwork - out of my normal field of expertise, but her research contributed to a theory/method I'm currently developing for a new application... Of course, she has a boyfriend and I am sadly falling in love with a woman that I can't be in love with.
Back at school now, moving from Arabic to Mandarin Chinese since I can't get any more advanced Arabic training out here. Still doing my normal research, though. I hope to have my thesis written by December, but I still need to get to Morocco and London again before I'm completely finished. In any case, the end sees me, but it is nowhere in my field of view. Considering and fishing for job offers, so let me know if you need someone with my background and highly-specialized, if not narrow, skill-sets;and you can pay me enough to allow me to make loan repayments