Hi Blog
No artwork today, sorry. I have been busy doing report cards, other stuff for school, and junk, just time-consuming junk! LOL I have so many pieces of art in the works its crazy, but thats the way I seem to like it, so what the hell. Just FYII am working on a puppet project collaboration with Cadavre, a wedding present for Toxic, several paintings of Fuschia Shock, two large paintings of Jaclyn (one as Cleopatra)plus numerous portraits (of Saint and Hanke for starters) and many other piecesquite a list, even for me.
I really want to vent a little from my SG soapbox and tell you about a few friends here who are the most wonderful women on earth. First the friendsJaclyn is a sweet, lovely lady whom I care about very much. She listens to what I have to say and responds with thoughtfulness and caring. I think she is too busy and needs to slow down a little (and take care of herself especially), because I go for long periods without hearing from herbut I am not here to preach or nag, just to explain how much I care. I also want to crow about what people here have done for me personally. Anyway, Jac, if youre out there, please write so I know you are okay! Toxic is another lady who has literally saved me from the jaws of hell so many times, just with her smile and a well-timed kind word. She has always been a true friend, very supportive of my artwork hereone of the reasons why I love her so much. If anyone has a problem with that, too bad! That brings me to Cadavreshe has been my best friend almost since the first day we started corresponding here. She is a sister in blood we are both Norwegian and to me that carries a great deal of meaning. More than that, she has been there through all my junkall the recent bouts of depression, thoughts of suicide, all the self-doubt, all the crap. She has dragged my sorry ass back from the brink of hell so many times, it boggles my mind how she can tell that I am near the endprobably our spiritual connection, who knows? Without these three womenand other friends here to a degree, lovely ladies in every sense of the word, I would be ashes in a cheap urn or scattered to the wind. If I am being a bit heavy and dark, too bad. I have feelings I need to let loose. As I mentioned, there are other friends heresome I hear from, some I donteveryone has a HUGE place in my heart whether I mention their names now or not. The point is I love it here at SG and I love the people.
This brings me to another pointpardon me while I climb on my soapboxLOOKS. What a woman looks like, her body type, curves (or no curves), complexion, features, height, weight, hair or eye colorall of thatplus the ink and body mods. When I joined SG back the first time in 2001 (under a different screen name I had to leave because I lost computer access and I came back in 2005 under the name I am now) I was mesmerized by the alternative styles of the women here. To me, SG was the best thing since sliced bread! I was tired of the Playboy Bunny look or the porn star look. SG offered the best of all worldsbeautiful women who were different, unique, and gorgeous! I dont care (and I bet a lot of you agree) if a lady carries a few extra poundshave you ever seen the Three Graces by Raphael?
They are CURVY, BEAUTIFUL women!!!!!!!!!!!!! They arent sticks with hair. I am ranting about this because Ive heard from two of my dear friends about their looks and (in one case) why they seem to be out of favorhere and in society. My Goddess, wise up SG and the whole world for that matter! What makes a woman beautiful comes from the INSIDE. Yes, this site is about outward appearance, but DAMMIT that shouldnt be the only criteria for a hopeful to go pinkAND how a woman FEELS about herself her SELF ESTEEM should not rest solely on what she looks like. Come on people, its 2012! Lets take a look at the WHOLE person. I know women who are considered beautiful, but are heartless bitchesand women who may be considered plain who are the most caring, loving souls on earth. If one is healthy, takes care of her body, is balanced and can love and care for othersand Im leaving out many good qualities. Sorry, I am starting to ramble so I need to get off this soapbox. I just want to say, lets look at the WHOLE person and give some Hopefuls (Cadavre, this is for YOU honey) a chance to go pink and take their rightful places as full-fledged SGsdo it NOW please.
The last thing I want to do now is ask a question. I asked MY three graces here (you know who you are), but Id like to hear from others if they care to respond.
What do you think makes a real man?
Ive been struggling with NO self-esteem and other self-concept issues all my life. Recently, I thought again of suicide because I thought of myself as less than what it is to be a real man. Its a long story and Ive bored you enough, but suffice to say how one is brought upall that influences a persons developmentstays with one until death. I just want to know. Im past those feelings of despair thanks once again to, well, they know who they are! However, the question is still valid in my mind.
So, thats enough of me wagging my tonguenext time I will post art and no long speeches. I love you all and want to say again, especially to Cadavre, Toxic, and JaclynI love you all so much.
No artwork today, sorry. I have been busy doing report cards, other stuff for school, and junk, just time-consuming junk! LOL I have so many pieces of art in the works its crazy, but thats the way I seem to like it, so what the hell. Just FYII am working on a puppet project collaboration with Cadavre, a wedding present for Toxic, several paintings of Fuschia Shock, two large paintings of Jaclyn (one as Cleopatra)plus numerous portraits (of Saint and Hanke for starters) and many other piecesquite a list, even for me.
I really want to vent a little from my SG soapbox and tell you about a few friends here who are the most wonderful women on earth. First the friendsJaclyn is a sweet, lovely lady whom I care about very much. She listens to what I have to say and responds with thoughtfulness and caring. I think she is too busy and needs to slow down a little (and take care of herself especially), because I go for long periods without hearing from herbut I am not here to preach or nag, just to explain how much I care. I also want to crow about what people here have done for me personally. Anyway, Jac, if youre out there, please write so I know you are okay! Toxic is another lady who has literally saved me from the jaws of hell so many times, just with her smile and a well-timed kind word. She has always been a true friend, very supportive of my artwork hereone of the reasons why I love her so much. If anyone has a problem with that, too bad! That brings me to Cadavreshe has been my best friend almost since the first day we started corresponding here. She is a sister in blood we are both Norwegian and to me that carries a great deal of meaning. More than that, she has been there through all my junkall the recent bouts of depression, thoughts of suicide, all the self-doubt, all the crap. She has dragged my sorry ass back from the brink of hell so many times, it boggles my mind how she can tell that I am near the endprobably our spiritual connection, who knows? Without these three womenand other friends here to a degree, lovely ladies in every sense of the word, I would be ashes in a cheap urn or scattered to the wind. If I am being a bit heavy and dark, too bad. I have feelings I need to let loose. As I mentioned, there are other friends heresome I hear from, some I donteveryone has a HUGE place in my heart whether I mention their names now or not. The point is I love it here at SG and I love the people.
This brings me to another pointpardon me while I climb on my soapboxLOOKS. What a woman looks like, her body type, curves (or no curves), complexion, features, height, weight, hair or eye colorall of thatplus the ink and body mods. When I joined SG back the first time in 2001 (under a different screen name I had to leave because I lost computer access and I came back in 2005 under the name I am now) I was mesmerized by the alternative styles of the women here. To me, SG was the best thing since sliced bread! I was tired of the Playboy Bunny look or the porn star look. SG offered the best of all worldsbeautiful women who were different, unique, and gorgeous! I dont care (and I bet a lot of you agree) if a lady carries a few extra poundshave you ever seen the Three Graces by Raphael?

They are CURVY, BEAUTIFUL women!!!!!!!!!!!!! They arent sticks with hair. I am ranting about this because Ive heard from two of my dear friends about their looks and (in one case) why they seem to be out of favorhere and in society. My Goddess, wise up SG and the whole world for that matter! What makes a woman beautiful comes from the INSIDE. Yes, this site is about outward appearance, but DAMMIT that shouldnt be the only criteria for a hopeful to go pinkAND how a woman FEELS about herself her SELF ESTEEM should not rest solely on what she looks like. Come on people, its 2012! Lets take a look at the WHOLE person. I know women who are considered beautiful, but are heartless bitchesand women who may be considered plain who are the most caring, loving souls on earth. If one is healthy, takes care of her body, is balanced and can love and care for othersand Im leaving out many good qualities. Sorry, I am starting to ramble so I need to get off this soapbox. I just want to say, lets look at the WHOLE person and give some Hopefuls (Cadavre, this is for YOU honey) a chance to go pink and take their rightful places as full-fledged SGsdo it NOW please.
The last thing I want to do now is ask a question. I asked MY three graces here (you know who you are), but Id like to hear from others if they care to respond.
What do you think makes a real man?
Ive been struggling with NO self-esteem and other self-concept issues all my life. Recently, I thought again of suicide because I thought of myself as less than what it is to be a real man. Its a long story and Ive bored you enough, but suffice to say how one is brought upall that influences a persons developmentstays with one until death. I just want to know. Im past those feelings of despair thanks once again to, well, they know who they are! However, the question is still valid in my mind.
So, thats enough of me wagging my tonguenext time I will post art and no long speeches. I love you all and want to say again, especially to Cadavre, Toxic, and JaclynI love you all so much.

Thank you everyone for your comments! I'd like to hear from more people, privately is okay, too
I appreciate the feedback and support. I just try every day to be the best man I can be and speak from my heart. Thanks again and all of you sweet people stay safe!

One person I failed to mention in this blog...Neptunefairy15! She is a lovely lady and a dear, sweet friend. Thank you to her for the support she gives without reservation.