Hi Blog
Okay, here is the deal, I am not leaving SGI could never do that because here, this place, is too ingrained in my soul, too much a part of my (twisted as it may be) psyche. I have met and fallen in love with ladies here (Sorry JimCurt, were just friends LOL couldnt resist the joke and Im way too punchy today so please excuse me), feeling closer to them than any of my psychotic familyin fact YOU folks here ARE my family! Anyway, Im getting way off track. I will be here on and off, making comments and supporting friends in MR, sending email, and especially posting artwork all whenever possible. However, having said that I have to add this, I am going to be putting much more time into drawing and paintingnot just SG-related subjects, but other work as well. And I have to get outside to paintsummer is too short to spend inside at a computer. I spent 13 years in the travel business chained to a computer for 8 to 12 hours a day and then with all the writing for courses and examsWHEW!! Im a bit fried by staring at a little screen.
So, my plan is to check-in once in awhile and send friends sets some love, respond to email, and just say I am still breathingas well as post art of all kinds. If you need me I am here so please email me and Ill respondI have a masters in counseling so unload anything you want on me, its perfectly finewelcome in fact! For those people I promised portraits toif you dont write to me or acknowledge I am alive, you go to the bottom of the list. Im sorry to be so cruel and heartless and Im going to make a mash of expressing this, but if you dont care enough about me to write once in a great while, then I have to make a decision about who I drawI dont have that much time and I want to be fair. If a person shows me they care about me and if I live or fade away, then they tend to get more of my attentionits just the way it has to be and I do feel terrible about itI hate to be so emotional about it, but I spend between 8 and 12 hours sometimes more, on each and every drawing and painting. If I do a drawing, put my life into it, and get a one-line response about it, it hurtsmakes me feel I have failedfailed the person it is intended for. Unfortunately, that has happened a few times and I was devastated, even considered leaving SG because well, enough about that.
So, my dear blog, lovely ladies, and you too Jim! Ill be around just lurking and all that. I love you all very much and feel honored and privileged to be a part of the best group of people on the planetany planet! If I died tomorrow (and I pray every day to my Goddess that she leaves me here a little longer) I would be a happy man for getting to know each of you, even in a small wayand especially drawing some of you. That has been the best experience of all having the opportunity to try and put on paper and canvas the beauty I see here. Its what being an artist is all about, at least for me. So, for the moment, Auf WiedersehenIm off to work on my portrait of Kornalina. I hope to have it done this weekend sometime. Have a happy summer, too!

Okay, here is the deal, I am not leaving SGI could never do that because here, this place, is too ingrained in my soul, too much a part of my (twisted as it may be) psyche. I have met and fallen in love with ladies here (Sorry JimCurt, were just friends LOL couldnt resist the joke and Im way too punchy today so please excuse me), feeling closer to them than any of my psychotic familyin fact YOU folks here ARE my family! Anyway, Im getting way off track. I will be here on and off, making comments and supporting friends in MR, sending email, and especially posting artwork all whenever possible. However, having said that I have to add this, I am going to be putting much more time into drawing and paintingnot just SG-related subjects, but other work as well. And I have to get outside to paintsummer is too short to spend inside at a computer. I spent 13 years in the travel business chained to a computer for 8 to 12 hours a day and then with all the writing for courses and examsWHEW!! Im a bit fried by staring at a little screen.
So, my plan is to check-in once in awhile and send friends sets some love, respond to email, and just say I am still breathingas well as post art of all kinds. If you need me I am here so please email me and Ill respondI have a masters in counseling so unload anything you want on me, its perfectly finewelcome in fact! For those people I promised portraits toif you dont write to me or acknowledge I am alive, you go to the bottom of the list. Im sorry to be so cruel and heartless and Im going to make a mash of expressing this, but if you dont care enough about me to write once in a great while, then I have to make a decision about who I drawI dont have that much time and I want to be fair. If a person shows me they care about me and if I live or fade away, then they tend to get more of my attentionits just the way it has to be and I do feel terrible about itI hate to be so emotional about it, but I spend between 8 and 12 hours sometimes more, on each and every drawing and painting. If I do a drawing, put my life into it, and get a one-line response about it, it hurtsmakes me feel I have failedfailed the person it is intended for. Unfortunately, that has happened a few times and I was devastated, even considered leaving SG because well, enough about that.
So, my dear blog, lovely ladies, and you too Jim! Ill be around just lurking and all that. I love you all very much and feel honored and privileged to be a part of the best group of people on the planetany planet! If I died tomorrow (and I pray every day to my Goddess that she leaves me here a little longer) I would be a happy man for getting to know each of you, even in a small wayand especially drawing some of you. That has been the best experience of all having the opportunity to try and put on paper and canvas the beauty I see here. Its what being an artist is all about, at least for me. So, for the moment, Auf WiedersehenIm off to work on my portrait of Kornalina. I hope to have it done this weekend sometime. Have a happy summer, too!
