Hi Blog
This will be short because I am in the middle of working on a dozen portrait drawings and two paintings for sweet ladies here YAY!!!! I FINALLY have a chance to draw and paint!!! I will post more tomorrow including some rough sketches and pics of one of my schools art shows. The kids had a great time seeing their work and the work of other kids in our district displayed this past week. I even recorded some video but the kids acted so goofy I dont think you can tell what they are saying! Here is a watercolor of Amarenashe is so sweet and a great friend. I am trying to stick with using a loose style for the watercolorswe shall see how successful I can be!
Oh, and just FYI I passed my comprehensive essay exams got the letter this week so its official, I can graduate and walk at commencement next Saturday to get my degreefour years and a lot of homework (and therapy!) later. Then I can submit my portfolio and get my license as a school counselor. This is a very emotional time so Ill have to write more later Have a great Saturday all you lovely people!!!
This will be short because I am in the middle of working on a dozen portrait drawings and two paintings for sweet ladies here YAY!!!! I FINALLY have a chance to draw and paint!!! I will post more tomorrow including some rough sketches and pics of one of my schools art shows. The kids had a great time seeing their work and the work of other kids in our district displayed this past week. I even recorded some video but the kids acted so goofy I dont think you can tell what they are saying! Here is a watercolor of Amarenashe is so sweet and a great friend. I am trying to stick with using a loose style for the watercolorswe shall see how successful I can be!

Oh, and just FYI I passed my comprehensive essay exams got the letter this week so its official, I can graduate and walk at commencement next Saturday to get my degreefour years and a lot of homework (and therapy!) later. Then I can submit my portfolio and get my license as a school counselor. This is a very emotional time so Ill have to write more later Have a great Saturday all you lovely people!!!

as for school and graduation, that's so awesome!! i know how difficult a counseling program can be (since i quit in the middle of mine