Hi Blog
I had to take a break from the EXAM and write about a few things. First, SG being down yesterday made me feel as though adrift in an endless ocean of despair. Im NOT being overly dramatic either. Actually, I did get a lot of work done on my exam and I got to chat with Merlowe on FB so it wasnt a TOTAL loss!!! But I dont want it to happen againEVER!!!!!!!!!
Second, I am going to get up on my soapbox and high horse here, but I have to rant about a situation that happened on Facebook this past week. I am still pissed about itactually, seething, but Im calming down slowlyand breathing so its okay. A pic from the set of Juturna was posted as a teaser for her going pink. The pic is beautiful and one I am working on for her as a first portrait. Comments were made on FB that were generally nice, but there were a few that were way out of line and downright disgusting. I am a big proponent of free speech and allafter all I am an art teacher and deal with all forms of self-expression in an open manner. But seriously, some of the kinds of comments that were mademainly by menwere just too much, too base, too nasty. Juturna, and all the SG ladies Ive EVER come into contact with, even briefly, are just that LADIESin every true and beautiful sense of the word.
To be completely honest, when I first joined SG as a member in 2001, under a different screen namecant even remember it nowI was drawn here by the nudity, the sexual innuendo, motivated by lust. That was when I was having a very difficult time understanding who I was the very dark times of suicide attempts and serious psychoanalysis and therapy. Ive since matured and even though Ive been to the pits of hell and back many times, wrestling with demons and working out serious issues, I am a much better person (at least I hope I am, otherwise I want my money back!). As such, I see what SG really isa place for like-minded people who love beauty in all kinds of forms to congregate and share their lives, loves, hopes, and dreams. Juturna and ALL the ladies who put themselves out there as models SGs and Hopefuls (even the lady members who post pics of themselves as a part of their blogs, etc), are baring not just their bodies, but their souls as well. They have FEELINGS and deserve, no DEMAND respect and admiration for just those reasons alone. Youyou gorgeous, lovely, sweet, and wonderful ladies are not meat to be drooled over. You are human beings and whatever your reason for being hereit doesnt matter, you are still human beings.
I have changed and not just because of the therapeutic work Ive done. In getting to know some of the people here I have changed. Its only taken 54 years, but because of SG and friends here too numerous to mention (and Id be horrified if I forgot to mention any one in particular) I have become a better man. So, to Juturna and all the ladies here I apologize for the individuals in this world who cant seem to get it togetherhopefully they will learn someday, as I didthat SG is a beautiful place, full of lovely angelsALL Goddesses to me. Thank you SG for saving me, saving my soul.
There, I feel much better! Now if I could just get this *&^%$# exam done!!!
Oh, and here is one for you folks who like men in skirts *wink*

I had to take a break from the EXAM and write about a few things. First, SG being down yesterday made me feel as though adrift in an endless ocean of despair. Im NOT being overly dramatic either. Actually, I did get a lot of work done on my exam and I got to chat with Merlowe on FB so it wasnt a TOTAL loss!!! But I dont want it to happen againEVER!!!!!!!!!
Second, I am going to get up on my soapbox and high horse here, but I have to rant about a situation that happened on Facebook this past week. I am still pissed about itactually, seething, but Im calming down slowlyand breathing so its okay. A pic from the set of Juturna was posted as a teaser for her going pink. The pic is beautiful and one I am working on for her as a first portrait. Comments were made on FB that were generally nice, but there were a few that were way out of line and downright disgusting. I am a big proponent of free speech and allafter all I am an art teacher and deal with all forms of self-expression in an open manner. But seriously, some of the kinds of comments that were mademainly by menwere just too much, too base, too nasty. Juturna, and all the SG ladies Ive EVER come into contact with, even briefly, are just that LADIESin every true and beautiful sense of the word.
To be completely honest, when I first joined SG as a member in 2001, under a different screen namecant even remember it nowI was drawn here by the nudity, the sexual innuendo, motivated by lust. That was when I was having a very difficult time understanding who I was the very dark times of suicide attempts and serious psychoanalysis and therapy. Ive since matured and even though Ive been to the pits of hell and back many times, wrestling with demons and working out serious issues, I am a much better person (at least I hope I am, otherwise I want my money back!). As such, I see what SG really isa place for like-minded people who love beauty in all kinds of forms to congregate and share their lives, loves, hopes, and dreams. Juturna and ALL the ladies who put themselves out there as models SGs and Hopefuls (even the lady members who post pics of themselves as a part of their blogs, etc), are baring not just their bodies, but their souls as well. They have FEELINGS and deserve, no DEMAND respect and admiration for just those reasons alone. Youyou gorgeous, lovely, sweet, and wonderful ladies are not meat to be drooled over. You are human beings and whatever your reason for being hereit doesnt matter, you are still human beings.
I have changed and not just because of the therapeutic work Ive done. In getting to know some of the people here I have changed. Its only taken 54 years, but because of SG and friends here too numerous to mention (and Id be horrified if I forgot to mention any one in particular) I have become a better man. So, to Juturna and all the ladies here I apologize for the individuals in this world who cant seem to get it togetherhopefully they will learn someday, as I didthat SG is a beautiful place, full of lovely angelsALL Goddesses to me. Thank you SG for saving me, saving my soul.
There, I feel much better! Now if I could just get this *&^%$# exam done!!!

Oh, and here is one for you folks who like men in skirts *wink*

Anyway, I hope you do well with your Exams! Can't wait for you to get back to some fun!