Hi Blog
I feel bad, no new art work to post again!!! ARGH!!! I had to do report cards all weekend which really cramped my style. Thank the Goddess I only had to do them for one of the schools I work inonly 72 kidsbut it still took me all day yesterday and most of today!
Oh, I give up trying to put the darn picture in here...imagine a report card monster with big sharp teeth right here...terrorizing little kids
Plus, with the time change I lost an houroh BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. I should just quit bitching and get drawing, so thats what I am going to do now. Have a great week all you gorgeous SG ladies, hopefuls, and friends. Stay safe. So, I wont be back until I have some art to postsoon, very soon.

I feel bad, no new art work to post again!!! ARGH!!! I had to do report cards all weekend which really cramped my style. Thank the Goddess I only had to do them for one of the schools I work inonly 72 kidsbut it still took me all day yesterday and most of today!
Oh, I give up trying to put the darn picture in here...imagine a report card monster with big sharp teeth right here...terrorizing little kids

Plus, with the time change I lost an houroh BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. I should just quit bitching and get drawing, so thats what I am going to do now. Have a great week all you gorgeous SG ladies, hopefuls, and friends. Stay safe. So, I wont be back until I have some art to postsoon, very soon.


EEEk I am so excited..Thank you luv