Hi Blog,
Okay, now that I have stopped beating up on myself for being not so much a putz as a nudge (dont ask about the termsI teach 6th graders so Im allowed to come up with goofy words LOL), I can get on with life. I wanted to take this opportunity to personally thank three friends here for helping me see what I think Ive known all along, but need to RE-realize each day, Cadavre, Amarena, and jimcurt99. They are amazing people. Cadavre and Amarena are hopefuls here and deserve, not just because they are stunningly beautiful ladies, but also thoughtful and caring women, to be full-fledged SGs with all the rights and privileges that go with that designation. Jim is a guy close to my age and I call him brother because we are brothers in a way, old enough to have experienced enough crap in life, yet young at heart enough to enjoy the best things in lifeone of them being SG. There are other ladies here who make my life rich and worth livingtoo many to mention, but Zen comes to mind right away (I hope she sold every piece of her jewelry yesterday!) and Allegro (who has been my friend here almost from the beginning), both of whom have made a huge difference in my lifeId go on, but Im getting weepy and its hard to type when you cant see through the tears. Suffice to say, this site is now and will ALWAYS be a special place for me, my home away from home in a way.
Now that Ive bored the living daylights out of you, Blog, I have a list of the things I HAVE in lifeId much rather concentrate on the positive haves than the negative have nots so here goes:
I have
A loving wife who I dont always get along with, but I am trying to be the bigger person and cope.
A family in Norway who are amazing people, hard working and pretty funny when you get to know them. My family here is a bit grumpy, but I love them just the same.
A great career in teaching and soon to be counselingGoddess, May cannot come soon enough! I cant wait to get my degree and play the pipes at my own graduation!
An ability to play the bagpipessometimes in tuneand be a part of a wonderful tradition. Plus I get to wear a kilt and flash old ladies!!!
And last, but not least a little artistic talent I can use to help kids find their voice and path in life, especially those who have no other way of communicating their hopes and dreams. That little bit of ability also comes in handy when I pick up a pencil to draw the lovely ladies here. Which I need to do nowI promised Zuki I would finish her drawing so I better stop yammering and get on with it. Plus, I have pieces in the works of Amarena, Cadavre, Zen, Allegro, Starfuck, Toxic, oh my Goddess why am I still writing? I need to get DRAWINGTTFN
XOXOXOXO to all you lovely SG ladies, hopefuls, and gorgeous members!
As an addendum, I realized after writing this that I "have" much more than what I listed above. AND, there are so many more people here I should mention...I know I could list just about everyone on my friend roster for touching my heart in some way. I could go on and on, but I'll just close this post and say I love you all.

Okay, now that I have stopped beating up on myself for being not so much a putz as a nudge (dont ask about the termsI teach 6th graders so Im allowed to come up with goofy words LOL), I can get on with life. I wanted to take this opportunity to personally thank three friends here for helping me see what I think Ive known all along, but need to RE-realize each day, Cadavre, Amarena, and jimcurt99. They are amazing people. Cadavre and Amarena are hopefuls here and deserve, not just because they are stunningly beautiful ladies, but also thoughtful and caring women, to be full-fledged SGs with all the rights and privileges that go with that designation. Jim is a guy close to my age and I call him brother because we are brothers in a way, old enough to have experienced enough crap in life, yet young at heart enough to enjoy the best things in lifeone of them being SG. There are other ladies here who make my life rich and worth livingtoo many to mention, but Zen comes to mind right away (I hope she sold every piece of her jewelry yesterday!) and Allegro (who has been my friend here almost from the beginning), both of whom have made a huge difference in my lifeId go on, but Im getting weepy and its hard to type when you cant see through the tears. Suffice to say, this site is now and will ALWAYS be a special place for me, my home away from home in a way.
Now that Ive bored the living daylights out of you, Blog, I have a list of the things I HAVE in lifeId much rather concentrate on the positive haves than the negative have nots so here goes:
I have
A loving wife who I dont always get along with, but I am trying to be the bigger person and cope.
A family in Norway who are amazing people, hard working and pretty funny when you get to know them. My family here is a bit grumpy, but I love them just the same.
A great career in teaching and soon to be counselingGoddess, May cannot come soon enough! I cant wait to get my degree and play the pipes at my own graduation!
An ability to play the bagpipessometimes in tuneand be a part of a wonderful tradition. Plus I get to wear a kilt and flash old ladies!!!
And last, but not least a little artistic talent I can use to help kids find their voice and path in life, especially those who have no other way of communicating their hopes and dreams. That little bit of ability also comes in handy when I pick up a pencil to draw the lovely ladies here. Which I need to do nowI promised Zuki I would finish her drawing so I better stop yammering and get on with it. Plus, I have pieces in the works of Amarena, Cadavre, Zen, Allegro, Starfuck, Toxic, oh my Goddess why am I still writing? I need to get DRAWINGTTFN
XOXOXOXO to all you lovely SG ladies, hopefuls, and gorgeous members!

As an addendum, I realized after writing this that I "have" much more than what I listed above. AND, there are so many more people here I should mention...I know I could list just about everyone on my friend roster for touching my heart in some way. I could go on and on, but I'll just close this post and say I love you all.
