Hi Blog!
The ladies at SG are SO SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!! I made new friends in Doherty, Brooklyn, and Mavelle
plus others who are too beautiful ...AND Tabitha liked the Cleopatra painting I did for her
Life is good! I don't know why I bother checking out other sites - SG has it all - beautiful women who are so nice to an old geezer like me. It makes me very happy
I can't wait to start working on drawings of so many of the beautiful women here...I already started a mermaid drawing of Tabitha, a warrior princess drawing of Mayhem, a mermaid painting of Lovely...too little time in the day. Thank the Goddess summer vacation is coming soon!
We had a half day at school today, the kids were really tired and off because of vacation last week. Hopefully, tomorrow will be much better. I think we only have 7 weeks of school left to go...OUCH, I have so much left to teach the little rugrats.
I guess my blood clot is manageable now. The worst of it is done *crossed fingers* so now maybe I can get back to a somewhat normal life
Small potatoes compared to what some people have to deal with so I'll grin and bear it.
I wish I could get my Master's underway. I still have to find out if I have to go for one in Clinical Psych or if I have to wait and get it in Art Therapy. I'd like to start soon.
Well Blog, I need to take a nap, those blasted 6th graders wore me out today!
Hugs and Kisses and all my Love to each and every SG Lady...you are the best beyond all doubt. No one...NO ONE.. . can compare to you in beauty and grace.
The ladies at SG are SO SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!! I made new friends in Doherty, Brooklyn, and Mavelle

We had a half day at school today, the kids were really tired and off because of vacation last week. Hopefully, tomorrow will be much better. I think we only have 7 weeks of school left to go...OUCH, I have so much left to teach the little rugrats.
I guess my blood clot is manageable now. The worst of it is done *crossed fingers* so now maybe I can get back to a somewhat normal life

I wish I could get my Master's underway. I still have to find out if I have to go for one in Clinical Psych or if I have to wait and get it in Art Therapy. I'd like to start soon.
Well Blog, I need to take a nap, those blasted 6th graders wore me out today!
Hugs and Kisses and all my Love to each and every SG Lady...you are the best beyond all doubt. No one...NO ONE.. . can compare to you in beauty and grace.

what do you mean by a professional commission?