Hi Blog!
I am having mixed feelings today. I had a friend from the state department of education come to visit last week and observe me with my Kindergarten and fourth grade classes. She is not like most state bureaucrats, she actually KNOWS what she is talking about. She gave me some great feedback and suggestions. She really wanted to know about the mentoring/art therapy program I am running. Hopefully, I will be able to present the program this August as a part of our Arts Assessment Institute. That would be cool! I was also officially observed by my principal...I guess I'm doing a good job.
I also updated my art page on our school's website...added a painting done by one of the 5th graders. She claimed it was a paint by number, but I told her she was trying to pull a fast one on me.
I'm glad I got a chance to do so many SG women's portraits...I like drawing portraits, but I need to work on my painting skills in that genre.
I'm sad about one thing, though. I wonder if, when I write to ladies like Keri, etc and use so many "honeys" and "sweethearts" that I'm going too far. I am not TRYING to sound creepy. I just feel things deeper...must be the Scorpio in me. Maybe I should just lay off and not bother to write such things or anything for that matter unless I have something specific to say. Or, maybe I'm being too sensitive. I wish I was still going to the head quack...she always had a way of helping me sort out these feelings. Even at 50 I am still learning...always will be until I end up where the Goddess wants me to be...that level of peace and wisdom my soul is destined to find. Maybe in my next life I'll have an easier path. Maybe that is another thing I need to learn. So many questions.
Well, I don't give a damn, I am who I am...I love the women here and if they can't deal with it, too fucking bad. Sorry, that Scorpio coming out again. Have a good afternoon, Blog, even if no one reads you.
I am having mixed feelings today. I had a friend from the state department of education come to visit last week and observe me with my Kindergarten and fourth grade classes. She is not like most state bureaucrats, she actually KNOWS what she is talking about. She gave me some great feedback and suggestions. She really wanted to know about the mentoring/art therapy program I am running. Hopefully, I will be able to present the program this August as a part of our Arts Assessment Institute. That would be cool! I was also officially observed by my principal...I guess I'm doing a good job.
I also updated my art page on our school's website...added a painting done by one of the 5th graders. She claimed it was a paint by number, but I told her she was trying to pull a fast one on me.
I'm glad I got a chance to do so many SG women's portraits...I like drawing portraits, but I need to work on my painting skills in that genre.
I'm sad about one thing, though. I wonder if, when I write to ladies like Keri, etc and use so many "honeys" and "sweethearts" that I'm going too far. I am not TRYING to sound creepy. I just feel things deeper...must be the Scorpio in me. Maybe I should just lay off and not bother to write such things or anything for that matter unless I have something specific to say. Or, maybe I'm being too sensitive. I wish I was still going to the head quack...she always had a way of helping me sort out these feelings. Even at 50 I am still learning...always will be until I end up where the Goddess wants me to be...that level of peace and wisdom my soul is destined to find. Maybe in my next life I'll have an easier path. Maybe that is another thing I need to learn. So many questions.
Well, I don't give a damn, I am who I am...I love the women here and if they can't deal with it, too fucking bad. Sorry, that Scorpio coming out again. Have a good afternoon, Blog, even if no one reads you.

nope nothing you've ever said to me has bothered me. like i said, I"m southern so honey's, darling,sugars, none of them bother me. i use and hear them on a daily basis