Hi Blog,
School has started again and I had my first classes of the year. The Kindergarteners in one of my schools were so cute I wanted to bring them all home. One class wouldn't say a word...they even whispered while drawing - UNHEARD OF!!!!!!!! I started my Internship in counseling (my final year - YEA!!!!) and will start working with kids on bullying prevention...
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I want my picture to happiness
a hug!
Hello honey!
I look forward to seeing my picture lovelove
Hi Blog,
This will be short...I am off to Maine again for a few days of relaxation before school and classes start again. I am starting my final two semesters in my school counselor masters program and look forward to graduation in May of next year. I am also competing in the Maine Highland Games this weekend. I am playing in two events and hope...
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Hi honey! kiss
If I feel much better baby kiss
Hi Blog...
I just finished Lumo's drawing (number two) and feel it is one of the best SG lady portraits I've ever done. I seem to be on a roll so I'm not going to stop. There are so many sweet and wonderful ladies here. I keep saying I wish I had more time to draw, I just have to keep at it. When I...
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Lumo's portrait is INCREDIBLE!!!!!! lovelovelove
Yup...made the pendant biggrin
Hi Blog...
More tomorrow if possible. I am off to Maine soon and need to get Lumo's second drawing done so I will post this now and add more tomorrow...plus I need to get more portraits done and work on my collaborative sculpture with Zen!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT ENOUGH TIME!!!

I love all of you sweet, wonderful SG Ladies. kisskisskisslovelove
thank you very much!! for supporting my new set! Love Day
Hi Blog,
I really love drawing Lumo's eyes and she was happy with the first drawing so I am happy as well. I feel I could do better and will take my time on the next one. She is certainly worth the effort as are ALL the lovely ladies here. That is why I come back here again and again. Not only are the ladies...
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Well thanks!
Hi Blog,
I have very mixed emotions at the moment. I let my emotional guard down, started to pull down the walls around my heart and open up to a very special person. Now I feel I like a fool. I feel like I'm being played like a cheap piano and my heart is breaking. I feel so alone. In the grand scheme of things,...
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Hi Blog,
I have very mixed emotions at the moment. I let my emotional guard down, started to pull down the walls around my heart and open up to a very special person. Now I feel I like a fool. I feel like I'm being played like a cheap piano and my heart is breaking. I feel so alone. In the grand scheme of things,...
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Hi Blog,
Whenever I feel lost and totally alone, at the point of giving up completely...I come here and just browse around and look at the most beautiful women on the face of the planet. I find a sense of peace and feel grounded again. I can't keep up with all of what goes on here. Life seems to rush by much too quickly, but...
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I'm glad it does so much for you still!
Hi Blog,
I should be doing homework for my LAST SUMMER CLASS OF MY MASTERS PROGRAM!!!!!!!!! But, I'd rather be poking around here instead. I love all you gorgeous SG's...hopefuls, staff, ladies...everyone connected with this site...you are ALL FANTASTIC!!! You make life rich and exciting and wonderful, not to mention incredibly beautiful. I have to get to work...so many gorgeous women to draw and too...
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Mango and Dax are already forever friends! It is pretty hilarious to watch a 120lb Great Dane play tug of war with a 10lb Pomeranian smile

I have been playing around with using Eschers work in my pieces recently smile I love his work!
Hi Blog...Long time I know and I apologize.
I found out I have Type II Diabetes. It seems I have had high blood sugar numbers for several months (over 300) and my doctor didn't catch it. Now I am checking my numbers three times a day and taking metformin twice a day smile I have lost 12 pounds in 4 weeks which is good, but have...
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Type2 diabetics can benefit alot from natural supplementation. My dad is type2 and we manage him purely with exercise, diet and supplementation. That way you could reduce metformin and thus the side effects wink No one should mention medical stuff around me, I am very likely to go off on a tangent kiss
Hi Blog...
So I've been buried in work for three classes. I thought if I designed one myself as an independent study I could get away with less work - WRONG!!!!! It is even harder and more demanding. Oh well, I'll quit my bitchin'.
I am starting research on Paraphilias...sexual disorders like voyeurism and fetishes...all part of my Psychopathology course ...should be fun if not...
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Hi Blog...
Well, a busy week ahead:
Report cards are due...ARGH! I hate paperwork.
Classes start again and the up side is I have three, one being an independent study class in art therapy, and one Psychopathology! That way I can diagnose myself smile The other class is Fieldwork in which I get to observe children...jeez, how easy is that!
I have been working on several...
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The Art Therapy class sounds like so much fun!!! I'm jealous biggrin
I can't wait to see Saint's portrait! She is amazingly beautiful smile You should publish a book with all of your drawings of the lovely women of SG...you'd make a fortune!