Well since I hit level 60 I always thought the game was going to take some weird change... well it didn't, I'm still doing the same ole' stuff, only difference is I don't get any xp for it...
One of the best things about not worrying about xp is that I can do whatever I want, chat, help friends, give a newbie 1g and watch them type in awe...
It's defiently made the game more enjoyable... (that and I can stand toe-to-toe with any horde muhahaha)
Anywho, if you're playing on Deathwing catch me sometime and say hey...
Ok and now to sleep
One of the best things about not worrying about xp is that I can do whatever I want, chat, help friends, give a newbie 1g and watch them type in awe...

Anywho, if you're playing on Deathwing catch me sometime and say hey...
Ok and now to sleep