It's a nice day to drink me 40,
Sit on the porch and barbeque torch,
Well whose next in the chain of command?

I love the new Awol-One album
MMMMMmmm...vodka citron and kool-aid, my new fav. I wish I could drink this all the time. Well maybe not all the time but, it's nice like a magarita, especially on a hot night like this.

I went to Everyday music today to look for the new Cake album, no luck. But instead I picked up Alter from Floater, and Windowlicker from Aphextwin, and replaced my...
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that sounds so f'ing good actually... like grape coolaid with the limon vodka... like an adult purplesaurus rex.. or would it be wrecked wink
life is going up and downas usual, but i am still a happy little monki smile you should come out some time i would really love to meet you !
kisses for you and the kiddies
E kiss
Someone sent it to me......

[Edited on Aug 12, 2004 6:06PM]

[Edited on Aug 12, 2004 6:06PM]
Whoa...I just got lost in the banner ad for like two minutes or so. I feel my life force slipping away even as I type.

I broke it off with the girl I was seeing, and it wasn't as hard or bad as I had feared. Sometimes I over anaylize things and drown my fears. I hope I'll be able to get over this one...
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thanks, and hello back. wink

[Edited on Aug 11, 2004 10:43PM]
i'm just on and off a lot. smile
Yay, I made a new friend today. love

It's the only thing that has honestly made me smile today.

I keep trying to find the moment to break up with this girl I'm seeing. She was just over here with her friend whose getting married tomorrow ( thankfully I'm not going ) her friends kid, and her own kid. And I had just been working on...
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love i love your tattoo! love love love love love
I had something to say to myself earlier, but now it's gone away... It must be getting late, or perhaps I'm just tired and don't care to try to figure myself out right now...I should really start trying to get up earlier and do my journals before my day starts...That sounds a bit too easy though doesn't it? Goodnight everyone...
hello there.

siren is now london

you should come by to dp, yo.

I'm gonna go to pirate thursday tomorrow at the jolly roger...you should go.

p.s. email me your digits.
adorn is on the beaverton hillsdale highway, right of 91st.. it's reeeeealy easy to find. you can yahoo adorn body art and find it real quick like!!
work was a drag, too long and too much of it. But a co-worker and I have set in stone plans to sky dive on the 14TH. I'm so fucking jazzed about jumping out of a plane. I'm clueless as to why but, I'm sure it has to do with lack of excitement in my life. Tattoos and piercings only go so far, and drinks...
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HAha, I just added my journal to my comments page. Oh well thank the higher for cut and paste...

Well my night wasn't as heroic as I had intended, but I think when a person hopes for the best and gets sort of close it's alright. At least I'm alive to try again, right? I should also say that it makes my day to get...
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Glad you liked it! Thanks for your comment smile kiss
pretty damn fresh, yo. biggrin
Well I just want to let whom ever cares to know that I'm now on my way out to get as drunk as I can, and more then likely make a fool of myself apon Portlands streets and pub's. Woe be those whose company I keep this evening...
hope you have a great time smile
Well my night wasn't as heroic as I had intended, but I think when a person hopes for the best and gets sort of close it's alright. At least I'm alive to try again, right? I should also say that it makes my day to get invites from pretty girls. I will be taking you up on that very soon. I'd love to meet you also.
I have to break up with the girl I've been seeing today. I'm such a pussy though. I haven't had to "break up" with someone in a long time, I mean a looong time. I'm really draggin my feet about it. I feel so selfish, but on the other hand I think I'm entitled to be. I'm conflicted...I think I'll go have a beer, and mow the lawn.
I need to clean house, figuretively, and literally. Maybe one would help the other? Much boobery and high jinx to be had this weekend, I only wish I could deposit the chitlin at her madres before tomorrow. Oh well at least that guarantees me a clean house for the weekend...
I've been dreaming of a girl that I used to see, not too long ago. She moved away to be closer to her family and to find more stimulating work. We really connected, and I speak to her frequently via email, and sometimes on the phone. I wish I could have chased her down there. But I'm rooted. I just don't have the wheels for...
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