I finally sent some pics of my kids to the site, I've got that picture phone, and had it for like a year now. I've been taking pictures with it but never really thought about using my computer for keeping actual photos on. Slowly Tom comes out of the late twentieth century to join the rest of the enlightened. Hooray! Now if I could just...
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It seems that my neighbor lady wants to get back with me. She keeps asking my over for a movie every weekend. It's a fine gesture but after we kicked it for a couple of months over the summer, and then agreed to just be friends, I still feel uncomfortable. I could just be imagining it but if we hug before I leave it feels...
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wow shocked good luck with all of that smile

and i am still trying to get a set together to be a SG..so hopefully one day there will be a full spread of me on here...no pun intended wink kiss
long story....my "ex" found out more information than i wanted her to know, it was ugly
Well the hammer finally dropped, and it seems that I've one too many suspensions on my otherwise fabulous driving record for the Post Office to hire me. I was really hoping that this would be my comeuppance. $17.47 an hour to start, plus bennys, and retirement. I was so almost there, I passed all their tests, drug ones and others. I had an excellent interview,...
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Im sorry, that sucks.

Buy you a beer tonight?
OY!! I am still feeling last night...I dressed up as a christian camp counselor. And started the evening off with irish car bombs, and newcastle. After ariving at the party of my favorite tattoo artist's. I quikly assumed my role by giving every one advice concerning their general direction on god, and building a healthy druken stupor. I passed out on a sofa sometime during...
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Hey thanks for the welcome back. I know I've never talk to you before but hypnogogic has mentioned you once or twice. I hope by now you're feeling better. But if you're anything like me, Wed. is about the time I start looking forward to getting really drunk on Friday.
What a wonderfully strange and oddly optimistic weekend I've had...After meeting my girl downtown (she just had gotten in from the airport) We get back to my house and I pick up the mail, and there in my hand is a letter from the Post Office HR Dept. It seems that after five or so years of waiting I have finally come up for an...
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playing it safe? what are you doing Saturday night?
oh, I don't do anything illegal ever, well, not drugs, i mean.

i used to smoke pot and i did e about 5 times, been a long time.
I have been so freakin busy, my god! I have mentioned this from time to time, so one last time can't hurt. The girl of my dreams is coming to visit me this weekend, so I've been running around wildly trying to get my life back in order so that I can at least look like I've been keeping things right. Cleaning my house, doin...
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being with someone who is technically still married is really hard. i had one boyfriend for a year who was still married. his ex lived here in portland, we lived in spokane. but even tho i knew they weren't together, it still hurt really bad. i wanted nothing more than for them to divorce. but it never happened. then wouldn't you know. we break up, he's with some rich girl a few months later and then the divorce happens. i felt really terrible, like something was wrong with me... it sucked.

sorry you have to deal with the lawyers... but when there's kids involved it's usually a good idea so no one gets fucked over, you know?

good luck and have fun with the lady.
Yeah. Me still being married put a lot of stress on the guy I was dating. He wouldn't admit it but I could tell. Not to mention the fact I have an infant. Luckily my husband and I already have the divorce papers filled out and things should happen soon.
Yo...What can I say except I suck lately as far as keeping up on my journals. I don't really have much that deviates from the day to day. A tedious life I lead at best. I also suck for not particapating on the boards too. So my lack of enthusiasm is purely my own. And my bleeding heart's too.
come out and play
I just purchased my tix for the Burning Man Decompression. One of my friends is going to be DJ'ing on saturday night. It is the weekend of Oct. 22nd-24th. Tickets are 10$! for the whole weekend. Even the performers have to buy them. I am going to post a thread on the boards too with the website. I will only be there for saturday night....
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Original Time Machine > NEW Time Machine remake
Whoa, I almost just freaked out. I tried to update and the web gave me the run around for a minute. Until I looked to someone elses page and got the hint. Oh well, anyways. My life's been pretty chill as of late. I got a sweet new ride, and my kids doing good in school. My ex is in mexico for this week so...
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I just completed my dating profile...I still don't get the premise for this new function. I filled it out cause it was mildly amusing, but then again, look at me defending my actions?
duder... i'm sorry i'm a fucking geek and i'm all over the place and can't comment all the time.. frown
don't be sad tho...

heh.. lockdown... i wish someone would lock me up and throw away the key.. someone to just keep me for longer than a month or two...
you are lucky..

i can kick all the ass in school and in work, but in interpersonal relations i am teh suxor...