OY!! I am still feeling last night...I dressed up as a christian camp counselor. And started the evening off with irish car bombs, and newcastle. After ariving at the party of my favorite tattoo artist's. I quikly assumed my role by giving every one advice concerning their general direction on god, and building a healthy druken stupor. I passed out on a sofa sometime during the night. And was woken up by my friend at about 4 am. We drove down to javier's all night tacos, and bumped into some more friends there. After consuming some of the worst mexican food I've ever eaten, I passed out again at my friends house until 9 am. I woke up to his sweet pitbull licking my face, and decided I should go home. I've been up since then and have just finished reading a book by Mary Doria Russell. "The Sparrow". An excellent vision of the future and struggles with god in an alien world. An excellent read! Now I'm going to go passout again, and prolly be sick some time soon...
Hey thanks for the welcome back. I know I've never talk to you before but hypnogogic has mentioned you once or twice. I hope by now you're feeling better. But if you're anything like me, Wed. is about the time I start looking forward to getting really drunk on Friday.